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Home > Execu/Suite Hotel PMS > Procedures Execu/Suite PMS > How-To Documents > Change Company Code

If you need to move between companies in a multiple company database, this is how you change the company code, or number.

You may also have found that you're in the wrong company. It's possible someone attempted to create a new company or found the prompt to enter a new company code and didn't know what to do. One of the first signs of this is that your login IDs don't work or if they do, all guest information, rooms, charges, etc. are gone. It's typical that this only affects a single terminal.

When changing the company code, you might see the message, "Invalid company Code." If this happens, you might be entering the wrong code. If you're sure the code is correct, try this: Invalid Company Code   

You will need an Execu/Suite PMS user that has access to the current company before you can change to a new company. Ask your management for a user ID and Password. More Info: PMS Employee Setup

  1. Click System Maintenance
  2. Click Select Another Company. 
  3. If you haven't had software updates in several years, your screen may ask you to hit the Escape key to setup. If you have the newer window, click the button Company Set-up.

Once in the Company Selection screen, enter the company code to which you want to change. Click Continue.
  • The default company code is 01. 

  • It's always a 2 digit number from 01 to 99.

  • If you're not sure what it is, use 01.

If the company code is valid, you'll see a prompt that gives you the new company name and warns you that you should have a USER Id and PASSWORD with access to this company. If this is a company you normally access, click OK.

Article ID
Last Modified
 10/19/2015 3:43 PM