Home > Execu/Touch Point Of Sale > Execu/Touch POS Administrator > Menu Items
If you've never set up a POS system before and don't know where to start, click HERE for information about items, categories, and modifiers.
Enter Item Code: up to four characters. The characters may be numbers, upper case letters, lower case letters, or other characters such as @. The first character will be the default category, so all items of the same category should begin with the same character. For example, items in the "sandwich" category might be s101, s102, etc. If looking up an existing item, you may enter the item code of use the magnifying-glass look-up icon. The item code is the record "key" and may not be changed. 1. Item description: may be up to thirty characters. The descriptions will display on the item-entry screen buttons and will print on the guest checks. This is a required field. 2. Kitchen description: is an optional field to use if you wish a different description to print on the kitchen chit. Otherwise, the item description from field 1 will print on the kitchen chit. 3. (P)rod(S)erv(M)emo: should be P for most items. This indicates that this item is a product for sale and reflects in your sales report as such. M allows you to enter a memo item button that will print in the kitchen but not on the guest check. M items have no dollar value. Examples are FIRE and HOLD. 4. Item Taxable?: includes for fields for four different taxes, Sale Tax 1, Sales Tax 2, Sales Tax 3, and Sales Tax 4. These taxes are defined in the Store Record. Any one of these taxes can be used or all four can be used. When you get to this field, a popup will allow you to specify which taxes apply. The field on the main menu item screen will have four characters such as YNNN, NYNN, YYYY, NNNN. Sales Tax 2 can be a dollar amount rather than a percentage amount if you wish. See image below:
Menu _ Price: Sale price for this item for this menu.
(A/M): A = automatic pricing, M = manual pricing, blank = not in menu
31. Days/week: may be used to sell items only on specific days of the week. Enter 1 for Sunday, 2 for Monday, etc. Use no punctuation or spaces. For example, 12345 for Sunday through Thursday. If this field is blank, this item will be available all days. Lines 32 through 35:
Category places this menu item in the appropriate category.
41. Touch Button color: determines the color of the button on the item entry screen. It is a good idea to make all items of the same category the same color as the category and as each other although this is not required. Do whatever makes it easiest for your servers. When you get to this field, press <Enter> on your computer keyboard to display common colors. Note that each color has a numerical code. You may play around with colors, using numbers, four or fewer digits. Remember to keep the screen restful and easy to read. When you are finished entering items, click the Save button to save this item.
If you have more items to enter and they are similar to this one, click the Another button. "Another" will save this open and then open a new screen for you to enter the next item. "Item code" is blank, requiring you to enter a new code for the new item. You may enter a new description. To copy and paste text such as an item description, highlight the text with your mouse, right-click and select Save. Place your mouse cursor in the field to paste it to, right-click and select Paste. Keyboard shortcuts will not work within the application. Back to Execu/Touch POS Setup
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