Home > Execu/Suite Hotel PMS > Setup - Execu/Suite PMS > Manager Menu / Setup > Hotel Control Files Setup > Rooms
Go to Manager/Setup > Hotel Control Files Setup > Rooms.
Room number: can be up to 4 characters.
Description: can be up to 20 alphanumeric characters, and is a brief summary description of the room. Rates: can be set up for each room, or they can be set up for each Room Type, and then updated to individual rooms with one button.
Room type: the 4 character room type code for this room.
Room Status: should be set to VC (Vacant/Clean) when setting up Execu/Suite for the first time. The status will change automatically as rooms are checked into, cleaned, set out of order, etc. It is unnecessary to ever change the room status once you have started using Execu/Suite. Comment: can be up to 20 characters. The first 10 characters will display on the tape chart. Maid Station: can be up to 3 characters. If maid stations are designated for rooms, the Housekeeping Report can optionally print by maid station. Most hotels do not use the maid station setting since housekeeping assignments vary from day to day. Search Priority: determines how often this room will be selected when the 'Find' feature is used in room assignment at check-in or reservation. The higher the search priority, the more often the room is selected. This feature is not necessary and rarely is used. Room Nights Used: should be set to 0 when using Execu/Suite for the first time, or you can enter the actual number of room nights this room has been occupied prior to installing Execu/Suite. This information is used when the 'Find' feature is used in room assignment. The system will select lesser-used rooms first. This information also is used when the Tape Chart is set to C (condo mode) in the Parameter Record, so that lesser-used rooms display before higher-used rooms on the Tape Chart . Room rate 'Multiple persons' number (default 2): sets the number of persons allowed in a room before the 'Extra persons' rate applies. The default is 2, meaning that the Extra person rate will apply to the third and each additional person in the room. If this field is set to 4, then the Extra person rate will apply to the fifth and each additional person. Include in Count?: defines whether this is an inventoried room or non-inventoried room. If set to Y will include this room in inventory and will be considered in the total number of rooms of this type available. If set to N this room will be considered a non-inventory room. A Parameter Record setting determines whether non-inventoried rooms display on the tape chart. If you are setting up boat slips or RV spaces you should place a U in this field if you need to enter water and electricity meter readings for charging the guest. Optional Revenue Charge Code: can be left blank if all room sales post under the same revenue (charge) code. The default room rental charge code is RC. Optionally, you can designate a charge code such as RCC for this room. This is commonly used when a property has several types of accommodations such as hotel, campsites, or boat slips. It also can be used when rooms are at different locations such as RC1 for these rooms and RC2 for those rooms. The code must exist in Charge Codes . Optional Package Revenue code: can be left blank unless a specific room revenue charge code such as RCP should post when a guest package applies to the guest staying in this room. Connecting Rooms: where you can specify up to 4 rooms that can be considered connecting or adjoining rooms. When a reservation's room is assigned to a connecting room or when a guest is checked into a connecting room, a pop-up will prompt you to select the listed rooms to connect to the room you are reserving or checking in.
Entering rates for individual rooms:
Notes: Click the Notes button on the Room Setup screen (or press Alt+N) to add notes or additional information about the room. This information may be viewed on the Tape Chart by right-clicking the room number.
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Room Types
Season Record
Parameter Record
Rooms, Room Types, Rates
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