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​Post-Update Requirements



The following is a list of tasks to be performed after Execu/Tech software updates. If you do not perform these tasks, you may have issues.

Modules Updated: Instructions:
All Updates

Run Register Programs and Controls at all workstations, for all users, and for all remote desktop client users.

  • This program updates your Windows registry.
  • If you skip this step, you WILL get errors. 

Test all functions of the system.

  • Do this prior to peak service if possible.
  • As with any software update, you may see changes in the look or functionality.
  • If you have questions or see a message you do not understand, please contact Execu/Tech.
Execu/Touch POS Updates

Open MENUINI.FIL in Notepad and add the following: POS-RECEIPTTEXT=NO

  • NO= Do not use payment gateway verbiage on POS checks, use ET instead.
  • Default: YES

Execu/Suite Hotel Updates


Print a folio and registration form.

Send a confirmation email from a test reservation.

  • If it does not work, or does not work properly, see Email Settings or contact Execu/Tech.

Article ID
Last Modified
 7/24/2024 11:11 AM