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Home > Execu/Suite Hotel PMS > Setup - Execu/Suite PMS > Manager Menu / Setup > Hotel Control Files Setup > Housekeeping Codes

Housekeeping Codes

To use Housekeeping Codes, your Parameter Record needs to be set to Y for "Enhanced housekeeping?" If it is not set to Y, the "Housekeeping code" field is skipped at check-in. 





You must set up at least one code. 

Go to Manager/ Setup > Hotel Control Files Setup > Housekeeping Codes

"Housekeeping code" may be any letter or number and is limited to one character.  At check-in the codes display in code order, numbers first and then letters.  For example, 1 will display before 5 which will display before D which will display before M.  Your default or most frequent housekeeping option should be first so that users may simply press Enter at check-in without having to scroll or click.

"Description" may be up to 30 characters and is what users see when looking up housekeeping options at check-in.

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Parameter Record


Housekeeping Screen - Changing Status

Article ID
Last Modified
 11/28/2022 3:42 PM