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Home > Execu/Touch Point Of Sale > POS Copy / Delete Records (GAPOCOPY) > POS Resynch employee/password records

 This program can be run when you need to reuse old POS passwords from employees that have been deleted.

Go to Run Program by Name and enter GAPOCOPY.  When the "select action" menu opens, select 6, Resynch employee password records.


Before you start you need to go to Delete Records and delete Record Type X.

Back to Resynch employee/password records.....

Enter the store number.

If you get a DUPLICATE PASSWORD message like the one below, you will need to create a new password for the employee ID shown in the message.



These processes cannot be undone.  Make sure to back up GAPOCNTL.FIL before proceeding.

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Last Modified
 10/13/2016 5:02 PM