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Home > Execu/Touch Point Of Sale > Execu/Touch POS Administrator

POS Administrator is where you set up your Food & Beverage or Retail store.  

If this venue or store is not in Company 01 then you need to first set up the Company under System Maintenance or System Administrator.  This is located on your main Execu/Tech menu.  Before setting up the company, make sure you have a User ID for the new company or that your User ID will allow you to access all companies.

  POS Administrator Menu
 1  Store Record  11  Void Codes  

 2 Departments/ Revenue Centers    12  Table Setup  

 3  Payment Records  13  Terminal Records  

 4  Discount Records  14  Printer Setup  

 5  Menu Items  15  Item Button (Keyboard) Setup  

 6 Item Modifiers  16 Edit/ Purge History Records   

 7  Item Categories  17  Supervisor  

 8  Combinations (Value Meals)  18  Exit POS  

 9  Employee Records  19  Exit  

 10 Employee Work Codes       

If you've never set up a POS system before and don't know where to start, click HERE for information about items, categories, and modifiers.

Store Record
Departments/ Revenue Centers
Payment Records
Discount Records
Discount Records
Menu Items
Item Modifiers
Item Categories
Combinations (Value Meals)
Employee Records
Employee Work Codes
Void Codes
Table Setup
Terminal Records
Printer Setup
Item Button (Keyboard) Setup

POS Cash Management
Add Comment to Guest Receipt
Use Employee Login Cards


Execu/Tech Systems offers professional training.  We can come to your property or train you remotely. 
support@execu-tech.com for a quote or to schedule your trainer.

Article ID
Last Modified
 5/13/2015 5:46 PM