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Shift4 i4Go V2 Errors

  • A new workstation requires specific settings. See Shift4 i4Go V2 Requirements.
  • Many of these errors occur because instructions were not followed properly or were skipped.
  • Please take the time to read over the instructions and contact us if you don't understand them.
  • Some errors seen here will refer to shift4test.com - this is only used in testing. Your actual URL will be i4go.com.

Error creating ActiveX control

COBOL error at XXXXXX in MENUS4.cob

  • This is covered in Step 6 of Shift4 i4Go V2 Requirements.
  • One of the controls we use in the Shift4 interface isn't registered.
  • Please run Register Programs and Controls from all computers after an update or when a new computer is installed. It must be run for each Windows user on that computer that needs to run the software.


Invalid class string (Exception from HRESULT: 0x800401F3 (CO_E_CLASSSTRING))
COBOL error at XXXXXX in MENUS4.cob

  • This is covered in Step 6 of Shift4 i4Go V2 Requirements.
  • One of the dlls is having trouble because it hasn't been registered in the GAC.
  • Please run Register Programs and Controls from all computers after an update or when a new computer is installed. It must be run for each Windows user on that computer that needs to run the software.


CoCreateInstance failed for AcuToNet.IAcuToNet
COBOL error at XXXXXX in MENUS4.cob


There was a problem communicating with Shift4's i4GoV2 server @ https://i4go01.i4go.com

  • This is covered in Step 2 of Shift4 i4Go V2 Requirements.
  • You'll see this error after swiping or entering card information in the i4Go V2 Card Entry Window.
  • The URL in the error message will be different and may change from time to time, but the cause of this error is the same: the URL can't be reached. We have no way of knowing why this is happening, because the only information returned to us is that an HTTP timeout occurred. The most likely cause is a firewall: Firewall Settings


Response: i4go_server

  • This is covered in Step 3 of Shift4 i4Go V2 Requirements.
  • This error is caused by an incorrect version of Internet Explorer. The Microsoft component, ieframe.dll, is used to assist in communicating with Shift4 via HTTPS protocol. This file is updated with Internet Explorer and versions prior to IE 10 do not recognize some of the basic functions being used. Because of this, we are unable to retrieve the response from Shift4. Please refer to this link: Shift4 i4Go V2 Requirements


ETPayments.dll error

Shift4 server URL = https://access.i4go.com/
System.Net.WebException: The remote name could not be resolved: 'access.i4go.com'...

  • This is covered in Steps 2 and 4 Shift4 i4Go V2 Requirements. Make sure you can reach the URL from a web browser as specified in Step 4.
  • This error occurs because your computer is unable to reach one of several URLs. The cause is either your internet or firewall.


ETPayments.dll error

Shift4 server URL = https://access.i4go.com/
System.Net.WebException: The operation has timed out...

  • This is covered in Steps 2 and 4 of Shift4 i4Go V2 Requirements. Make sure you can reach the URL from a web browser as specified in Step 4.
  • This error occurs because your computer is unable to reach one of several URLs. The cause is either your internet or firewall.


Requesting Secure Connection from Shift4
Attempt 1 of 5
Obtaining Access Block from https://access.i4go.com/

 The error isn't that this window appears, it's that it remains for a while and then produces another error, often like the next error (#9).

  • This is covered in Steps 1, 2 and 4 of Shift4 i4Go V2 Requirements.
  • The interface isn't getting a response back from http://access.i4go.com but it also isn't getting an HTTP error. There are 3 common causes:
    1. Your Public IP Address hasn't been whitelisted by Shift4.
    2. A firewall is blocking outgoing traffic.
    3. You have a proxy server not allowing a connection.
The error below is often seen right after this error.


Failed to connect to the Shift4 Access Block server.
Shift4 server URL = https://access.i4go.com
- Verify that Shift4 has whitelisted your IP.
- Your detected public IP is: XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX

- Check your internet connection.
- Make sure your firewall allows connection to the Shift4 URL.
- Contact Shift4 to determine if the URL is correct.
- Contact Execu/Tech Systems 

  • This is covered in Steps 1, 2 and 4 of Shift4 i4Go V2 Requirements.
  • The Shift4 URL couldn't be reached. There were no errors, it just timed out. Maybe your IP Address isn't whitelisted or maybe you have a firewall blocking access.


There was an error communicating with the Shift4 server.
Shift4 server URL = https://access.i4go.com/
- Error StatusCode 407
- Error StatusDescription Proxy Authorization
- Contact Execu/Tech Systems, Inc.

  • This is covered in Step 4 of Shift4 i4Go V2 Requirements.
  • The interface MUST be able to reach https://access.i4go.com. It seems you're using a proxy server, and it isn't allowing the connection. If using a proxy server, the interface must be able to reach the URL with the Windows user credentials.

The error below is often seen right after this error.


The proxy server isn't responding

  • This is covered in Step 4 of Shift4 i4Go V2 Requirements.
  • The interface MUST be able to reach https://access.i4go.com from every terminal that needs to process credit cards. It seems you're using a proxy server, and it isn't allowing the connection. If you can't access the URL via Internet Explorer from the terminal having the problem, the interface likely won't be able to access it either, since it utilizes the Internet Explorer component ieframe.dll to assist in communicating.


Script Error

An error has occurred in the script on this page.

 This error is seen before you enter card information, and the Error line usually states that something is "undefined."

  • This error is typically caused by missing files in the "lib" folder within the software folder.
  • Contact Execu/Tech support and we will verify that all files are there and that none have been corrupted.


Message from webpage

There was a problem communicating with Shift4's i4GoV2 server @ https://i4go01.i4go.com
Invalid data was returned. Maybe it's your card swipe - configure it to send all tracks on a single line. Consult the manufacturer for instructions.

 This error is seen after you swipe a card using an unencrypted card reader.

  • This is covered in Step 8 of Shift4 i4Go V2 Requirements.
  • If you click OK, you will likely see the next error (#14).
  • The card may still process since the error occurs after the initial track is submitted.
  • Your card reader is likely sending a Carriage Return after each track. We attempt to trap this, but all devices are different and sometimes it gets through. The error is caused by another form submission while the current one is still in progress. If you have a MagTek card reader, use these instructions to remove the extra Carriage Return: Magtek Programming


Script Error

An error has occurred in the script on this page.

This error is seen after you swipe a card using an unencrypted card reader. Line, Char and Code are usually "0".

  • This is covered in Step 8 of Shift4 i4Go V2 Requirements.
  • If you click "Yes" the card may still process since the error occurs after the initial track is submitted.
  • Your card reader is likely sending a Carriage Return after each track. We attempt to trap this, but all devices are different and sometimes it gets through. The error is caused by another form submission while the current one is still in progress.  If you have a MagTek card reader, use these instructions to remove the extra Carriage Return: Magtek Programming


Message from webpage 


There was a problem communicating with Shift4's i4GoV2 server @ https://i4go01.i4go.com

  • This is covered in Step 2 of Shift4 i4Go V2 Requirements.
  • You'll see this error after swiping or entering card information in the i4Go V2 Card Entry Window. The URL will be different and will change from time to time, but the cause of this error is the same: the URL can't be reached. We have no way of knowing why this is happening because the only information returned to us is that an HTTP timeout occurred. The most likely cause is a firewall: Firewall Settings.


Message from webpage

There was a problem communicating with Shift4's i4GoV2 server @  I4GO-SERVER
{"readyState":0,"status":0,"statusText":"Error: Access is denied.\r\n"}


  • This error is often the result of an incorrect Access Token, a critical piece of the authentication process.
  • Please contact Execu/Tech support and we'll help you verify the Access Token. You may have to obtain a new Access Token from Shift4 for each merchant having a problem.


Message from webpage

There was a problem communicating with Shift4's i4GoV2 server @
{"readyState":0,"status":0,"statusText":"Error: Access is denied.\r\n"}

  • The key here is the word "null". While initiating communication with Shift4, something went wrong and we didn't get the i4GoV2 server URL. Try again.  


Unhandled exception has occurred in a component in your application. If you click Continue, the application will ignore this error and attempt to continue.

A generic error occurred in GDI+.

 These errors are seen before you swipe a card. Both are typically seen at the same time.

  • The problem is that your operating system is unable to load a progress bar image into memory. It's corrupted in memory or just not loaded at all.
  • The easiest solution is an update to the Shift4 interface. We've removed this image and replaced it with a code generated progress bar, rather than the Microsoft.Net progress bar, which relies on an image.
  • If you don't want an update, your only solution is to reload your operating system and possibly replace the RAM in your computer. We recommend that you get an update to the Shift4 interface. Contact us and we can schedule it for you.


ETPayments.dll error

Shift4 server URL = https://access.i4go.com/
System.net.WebException: The underlying connection was closed: Could not establish trust relationship for the SSL/TLS secure channel. --->
System.Security.AuthenticationException: The remote certificate is invalid according to the validation procedure...

  • This error happens because the SSL certificate for the specified URL was never installed or is no longer valid. For most customers, a new SSL will automatically be updated. In some cases, however, either due to security settings or an outdated operating system, the certificate will not update.
  • Please follow the SSL Certificate instructions in Step 5 here: Shift4 i4Go V2 Requirements
  • You can find the download link, instructions and a copy of the email you should have received from Shift4 regarding this issue here: Shift4 SSL Certificates


ETPayments.dll error


Shift4 server URL = https://access.i4go.com
System.Net.WebException: The underlying connection was closed: An unexpected error occurred on a send. ---> System.IO.IOException: Unable to read data from the transport connection: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host. ---> System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host...

  • You may begin seeing this error beginning in June 2018. You are seeing this error because your computer is not compatible with TLS 1.2.
  • Please follow these instructions: TLS 1.2 Requirements


System.NotSupportedException: The requested security protocol is not supported...

  • This error means that your operating system (Windows) is not able to provide the required security protocol, which is TLS 1.2. There are a couple things to try in this case.
  • The most likely cause is your .Net version. Please review this page and make sure to address the items in the "Before You Begin" section: Shift4 i4Go V2 Requirements
  • Make sure your operating system is supported, that it has the latest .Net frameworks installed, and that TLS 1.2 is supported using the information provided here: TLS 1.2 Requirements


Response: 502,299,9862

  • This error is the same as the standard Shift4 Error 9862 found here: Shift4 Error Codes
  • One common cause of this error is an invalid public IP address. This can be caused by a failure to obtain the current Public IP address, or the IP address in the file PublicIP.txt is incorrect. This can happen due to intermittent internet connection issues or manually saving an IP address that's incorrect or changes often.
  • Many businesses benefit from a static public IP address, and if your business is taking credit card payments with Shift4, you should consider it.



Response: 299,1001

  • This error is the same as the standard Shift4 Error 1001 found here: Shift4 Error Codes
  • Please contact Shift4 for assistance. It's possible that they are having technical problems.



Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID {EFEBAF2A-7183-4BE7-B0AA-7ECAD198414F} failed due to the following error: 80080005 Server execution failed (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80080005 (CO_E_SERVER_EXEC_FAILURE)).
COBOL error at XXXXXX in MENUS4.cob

  • There are a couple potential causes for this error.
    1. You may need to run please run Register Programs and Controls. This may not be the cause but it's quick and should be run first to see if it resolves the problem.
    2. One or more of the runtime files are missing or are the incorrect version and failing to execute. You can search the Registry for the given CLSID to see which file it is. In the case of this error, the file is Marshal.exe.

  • Contact Execu/Tech support to help determine which runtime version you're running and ensure the correct file is replaced. Often a Runtime update will resolve the issue.


There was a problem with one of the .NET support libraries.
.NET assemblies cannot be loaded.
COBOL error at XXXXXX in MENUS4.cob

  • One or more of the runtime files are missing or are the incorrect version and can't be loaded.
  • Contact Execu/Tech support to help determine which runtime version you're running and ensure the correct file is replaced. Often a Runtime and Core update will resolve the issue.



See Also:



Shift4 Error Codes

Article ID
Last Modified
 7/31/2024 3:24 PM