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POS Activities Deposits - Setup

Activities Deposits can be posted and tracked, allowing your guests to pay in advance for spa appointments, horseback rides, canoe rentals, etc. The system tracks the deposit, which may be redeemed at point of sale via Execu/Touch. These deposits also may be done through the hotel via Execu/Suite and then redeemed/used at point of sale.

Setup includes the following:

Activity Deposits master folio
Hotel charge codes
Hotel payment codes
POS revenue department
POS category
POS menu item
POS keyboard /item entry button
POS payment code
MENUINI.FIL configuration

If you are not comfortable doing the setup or just don't want to, Execu/Tech will do it for you at our standard rate.  Email your request.

These instructions might be easier to follow if you read the procedures guide for POS activities deposits prior to starting the tasks outlined below.

Activity Deposits master folio

The Activity Deposits master folio is for activity deposits that might be posted on the hotel (PMS) side.  This folio is not used with POS transactions, since those transactions are recorded in the store's POS master folio.  You should create (check in) this master folio even if you do not plan to handle activity deposits via Execu/Suite PMS.

See Master Folios for instructions on setting up master folios if you are unfamiliar with this task.  The folio type will be MA
Hotel charge codes

You will set up two hotel charge codes, such as AADR and AADP.  One is for DEPOSIT RECEIVED via Execu/Suite PMS.  For this one, answer "Y" to "display?" One is for DEPOSIT RECEIVED via Execu/Touch POS.  For this one, answer "N" to "display?"

If you will post activity deposits in multiple stores you may use the same codes or you may set up additional codes such as SADP for Spa Advance Deposit to be used for the deposits received via Execu/Touch POS.

The charge codes that you set up for deposits received via POS will be referenced in the POS revenue department setup.

See Charge Codes for hotel setup instructions.
Hotel payment codes

You will set up one hotel payment code such as AADE. This is the code that will be used when existing deposits are used/redeemed. This code will be referenced in the POS payment code setup. Activity deposits are used/redeemed only in POS, not in PMS (hotel), as the activities themselves are sold in POS.

See Payment Codes for hotel setup instructions.
POS revenue department

In POS Administrator, set up a POS revenue department for ACTIVITY DEPOSITS. In the hotel charge code field, put the hotel charge code that you set up for deposits received via POS such as AADP or SADP. If using more than one store you may use the same revenue department code for all stores or create separate codes for each store.

See Departments/ Revenue Centers for instructions on setting up POS revenue departments.
POS category

In POS Administrator, set up a one-character category code for ACTIVITY DEPOSITS. You may use any code you wish as long as it is not already assigned.

See Item Categories for instructions on setting up POS categories.
POS menu item

In POS Administrator, set up a menu item for ACTIVITY DEPOSIT. This is the item that will be selected from the POS item entry screen when an activity deposit is posted. The deposit itself will be posted when the check/ticket is closed and payment is tendered.

The item should reference the revenue department you set up for ACTIVITY DEPOSITS.

The item should reference the category you set up for ACTIVITY DEPOSITS.

Do not enter an amount in the Menu Price fields (fields 21 through 28). In the A/M columns, enter M. This will allow you to enter the amount of the deposit when the POS menu item is selected during item entry.

See Menu Items for instructions on setting up POS menu items.
POS keyboard /item entry button

Once you have set up the menu item you need to place it on the POS item selection screen so that users may select it from the touch screen when posting the activity deposit.

See Item Button (Keyboard) Setup for instructions on setting up item entry buttons to be viewed on the POS item entry screen.
POS payment code

 In POS Administrator, set up a payment code such as A to be used when you will apply the already-received deposit - when the guest is using or redeeming the deposit. When the guest purchases an activity such as a spa treatment or kayak rental, the purchase will be paid by the deposit that was received.

This payment code must reference the Hotel payment code that was set up for deposits redeemed/used.

See Payment Records for instructions on setting up POS payment codes.

MENUINI.FIL configuration

This text file contains parameters that turn certain features on or off, and determines how the software will function at your property. We recommend making a backup of the file before editing it. This file will reference the master folio and codes you set up per the instructions above.

The file is located in your ExecuTech Hotel folder and you should open it in Notepad. See also MENUINI.FIL Configuration.

The following line must exist in MENUINI.FIL for the activity deposit program to work, and you will edit it as described below:



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
  1. The line must begin with "ACTIVITIES-DEP-INFO-STORE-"

  2. "01" represents the number of the store/company where you will take the deposits. Change this to your store/company number. You may configure multiple stores.

  3. "=" (equal sign) must follow the store number.

  4. "987654321" represents the master folio number. Change this to the number of the activity master folio you created.

  5. "," (one comma) must follow the folio number.

  6. "AADR" represents the hotel charge code that you created for DEPOSIT RECEIVED. Change "AADR" to the charge code you set up. This code is used for activity deposits posted in Execu/Suite PMS. The code must be included in MENUINI.FIL even if you do not receive activity deposits in PMS (hotel).

  7. ",," (two commas) must follow the hotel charge code for DEPOSIT RECEIVED.

  8. "AADU" represents the hotel payment code for DEPOSIT USED. This code will correspond to the POS payment code that you will set up. Change "AADU" to the hotel payment code you set up.

  9. ",,," (three commas) must follow the hotel payment code for DEPOSIT USED.

  10. "AADP" represents the hotel charge code for DEPOSIT RECEIVED. This code will respond to the POS revenue department for the POS menu item that you will set up. Change "AADP" to the hotel payment code that you set up.
If you will use activities deposits in multiple stores, you must set up a line for each store. The codes may the same for each store or they may be different.

EXAMPLE 1 - same codes:

EXAMPLE 2 - different codes:

Save MENUINI.FIL and close it. You must exit Execu/Tech completely (to the Windows desktop) and log back in for the changes to take effect.

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See Also:

Activities Deposits - Procedures
Execu/Touch POS - Procedures
Execu/Suite Activities Scheduling

Article ID
Last Modified
 10/18/2024 12:23 PM