Home > Execu/Touch Point Of Sale > Execu/Touch POS Miscellaneous > POS Activities Deposits - Setup
Activities Deposits can be posted and tracked, allowing your guests to pay in advance for spa appointments, horseback rides, canoe rentals, etc. The system tracks the deposit, which may be redeemed at point of sale via Execu/Touch. These deposits also may be done through the hotel via Execu/Suite and then redeemed/used at point of sale. Setup includes the following: Activity Deposits master folio Hotel charge codes Hotel payment codes POS revenue department POS category POS menu item POS keyboard /item entry button POS payment code MENUINI.FIL configuration If you are not comfortable doing the setup or just don't want to, Execu/Tech will do it for you at our standard rate. Email your request. These instructions might be easier to follow if you read the procedures guide for POS activities deposits prior to starting the tasks outlined below.
MENUINI.FIL configuration This text file contains parameters that turn certain features on or off, and determines how the software will function at your property. We recommend making a backup of the file before editing it. This file will reference the master folio and codes you set up per the instructions above. The file is located in your ExecuTech Hotel folder and you should open it in Notepad. See also MENUINI.FIL Configuration. The following line must exist in MENUINI.FIL for the activity deposit program to work, and you will edit it as described below: ACTIVITIES-DEP-INFO-STORE-01=987654321,AADR,,AADU,,,AADP
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