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Home > Execu/Suite Hotel PMS > Procedures Execu/Suite PMS > Front Desk > Front Desk Operations > Availability

Room availability for check-ins may be checked in the screen you like best.

You may view availability and check in guests from the following screens:
You may view availability from Room Types and Instant House Count but you cannot check in from those screens.

Tape Chart (Rooms):  This screen is accessible from the tool bar, and from the Reservations menu.

To check in a guest form the Tape Chart (Rooms Availability screen) right-click the white square in today's date column on the row of the room you wish to check a guest into.  Select "Check in".   Green squares indicate occupied rooms.  Magenta/purple squares indicate non-guaranteed reservations while blue squares indicate guaranteed reservations.  Yellow squares are for rooms soft blocked for groups.

Room Rack:  This screen is accessible from the "Room view" tool bar icon, from "Look up rooms" in the Front Desk menu, and by clicking the magnifying glass lookup icon beside the Room Number field in the check-in (folio) screen.

To check in a guest from this screen, type the room number or click the room on the grid.  The colors indicate the status of the room:  White is vacant, clean and ready.  Green is vacant and needs inspection.  Yellow is vacant dirty.  Pink/purple is occupied but due out today.  Red is stay-over (occupied and not due out today).  Each room on the grid occupies three columns:  room number, room type, and number of days available.  For example, Room 115 is a K room and is available for 38 days.  if the third column is blank, then the room is not booked for at least 99 days.  However, note that the room's TYPE may be booked to capacity.

Availability Screen.  This is available by selecting "View Rooms" on the toolbar or "Look up Rooms" from the Front Desk Operations menu.  This view allows you to view all rooms, unoccupied rooms (clean and dirty), and available clean or "needs inspection" rooms only.  the first image below shows all rooms.  The second image shows vacant and clean or "needs inspection" rooms.

Graphical Room View: This is available by selecting "View Rooms" on the toolbar or "Look up Rooms" from the Front Desk Operations menu. 

The graphical room view may include multiple sections which can be viewed one at a time by selecting the section from the drop-down at the top left.  Color coding indicates the room's status.  Right-click a room to check in a guest.

Instant House Count:  This is available by selecting "Instant House Count" on the toolbar or "Instant House Count" from the Front Desk Operations menu.   You cannot check in a guest from this screen but it shows you the number of rooms available to sell today.  This is a real-time display for current day only.

Room Types:  This screen is accessible from the tool bar, and from the Reservations menu.  You cannot check in a guest from this screen but it will show you how many rooms of each type are available.

You also can print a Room Inventory report from the Front Desk menu.

Article ID
Last Modified
 11/5/2014 11:11 AM