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Home > Errors / Fixes > Program Warnings > Keyboard Record Not Set Up

If you attempt to log into POS from a terminal number that hasn't been previously configured for the current company, you will see a message,  "Keyboard record not set up for this terminal and menu." You can create a new keyboard record, or you can copy a keyboard record from another that's already working in the current company.

Create Keyboard Record
  • Make sure you're in the correct company.

  • Go to the POS Administrator menu and select Item Button (Keyboard) Set-up.

  • Enter the terminal number of the terminal that's giving the error.

  • Fill in the settings appropriate for this terminal.

  • Save by clicking the Save button at the bottom of the window. 

Copy Keyboard Record
  • Make sure you're in the correct company.

  • Go to the POS Administrator menu and select Item Button (Keyboard) Set-up.

  • Click the Copy button at the bottom of the page.

  • Enter the terminal number of a terminal that's working when asked for the Copy From Terminal.

  • Enter the terminal number of the terminal that's giving the error.

  • Press Enter to copy all menus.

  • Click Yes to copy the menus.

Article ID
Last Modified
 5/19/2014 5:37 PM