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POS Payment Records

Payment records are easy to set up.  You must have at least one payment record in order to process Execu/Touch POS. 

Each code has only one character, such as 0,1, etc.  You may use numbers 0-1, upper-case letters, and lower-case letters with the exception of D and S. 


Paid-outs also are set up in Payment Codes.  The paid-out code for tips must be P/OT for.  Other paid-out codes must be P/O* where the * is a character such as V (for example, P/OV for Paid/Out Vendor).


If you have integrated credit card processing and are using EMV PIN Pads, you must add a payment code with these settings:

Code = $
Description = EMV

Credit card info swiped = V 


Below are examples of payment codes.  The first column is the code, and the second column is the description. 


If you are using Shift4 or Worldpay integrated credit card processing, these codes must match those in the interface configuration See Additional Information.

This is the payment code setup screen:

"Payment Code:" is the record key and cannot be changed.  The code should be one character - any number 0 through 9 or any letter a through z or A through Z with the exception of D and d

"1.  Description:" may be up to thirty characters.  See below for required, restricted, or special payment descriptions.

"2.  HOTEL/GL payment code:" is required if you have Execu/Suite PMS.  You must enter a valid Hotel payment code

"3.   Credit Card/Charge Code?:" Is this a credit card payment (Y/N) or a HOTEL charge code (C)

"4.   Allow tip entry? (cash):" applies only to cash payment types.  Answer Y if you want a popup to allow a tip entry.  Other payment types automatically will prompt for tip.

"5.   Credit card info swiped?:" should be V if you are using integrated credit card processing or C to prompt for a comment.  See Additional Information.

"6.   Credit card discount %:" is no longer used.  You can leave this field blank.

"7.   Print check when closed?:" should be Y for the check to print automatically when closed to this payment type.  If set to N the check will not print automatically but can be printed on demand.

"8.   Open cash drawer?:"  should be set to Y for the cash drawer to open automatically when a check is closed to this payment type and the terminal is configured to open the cash drawer.

"9.   May pre-auth employees use?:" can be set to Y to allow a pre-auth employee to preauthorize a credit card but not close a check.  Pre-auth employees are defined by an "A" in field 12 ("Close own checks?") in Employee Records .

"10. Employee type allowed:" sets the level of employee allowed to select this payment type.  Enter A for administrator, V for supervisor, C for cashier, or S for server.  Server (S) is the lowest level, and all employees with a higher level will be permitted to use this type.  If C, then A, V, and C employees may select this payment type but S may not.  If V, then only V and A level employees may select this payment.

"11.  Gen Ledger Account-Debit:" may be left blank unless you are using Execu/Tech's back office or another accounting interface with Execu/Touch POS but are not using Execu/Suite PMS.

"12.  Gen Ledger Account-Credit:" may be left blank unless you are using Execu/Tech's back office or another accounting interface with Execu/Touch POS but are not using Execu/Suite PMS.

"13.  Gen Ledger Journal Code:" may be left blank unless you are using Execu/Tech's back office or another accounting interface with Execu/Touch POS but are not using Execu/Suite PMS.

Additional information:

Swipe Credit Card

A V in field 5 will place a "Swipe Credit Card" button on your POS Total screen.  This red button is shown below. 

  • This is for customers with integrated credit card processing. 
  • When this button is selected, the cashier will be prompted to process the guest's or customer's credit card.
  • The cashier will have the option to preauthorize the credit card or close the transaction as a sale.
  • If preauthorized, the cashier may then add a tip and close the check.

Credit Card Icons

An N in field 5 will place credit card icons on the POS Total screen (if the descriptions have been typed correctly.) These icons are shown below. 


  • This method is used when credit card processing is not integrated to Execu/Touch, and you process credit cards outside of our application. 
  • When the credit card icon buttons are selected by the cashier, the check/ticket will print the payment type, but the credit card will NOT be processed.
  • The check will close without preauthorization but will allow a tip entry.
  • A presentation check should be presented prior to closing the check, if you wish to allow the guest to add a tip prior to closing the check.
  • See Required, Restricted, and Special payment Descriptions. 

  Important Credit Card Information 


If you use Shift4 or Worldpay for integrated credit card processing, the valid POS payment code must be included in the credit card interface setup configuration, as shown below.


See the POS Code column for each payment type.  If these codes do not match the codes used in the POS payment code setup for each credit card type, credit cards will not process properly.



Shift4: See Shift4 PMS/POS Setup (Payment Codes)

  • To get to the Shift4 configuration, go to File > Special > Run Program by Name:  type MENUS4CO and click OK.
  •  When the Printer Selection window opens, just press Enter.
  • Go to the Card Types tab.
  • The Hotel Code must match your Hotel payment code, and the POS Code must match your POS payment code.
  • Remember also that POS payment codes must point to valid hotel payment codes which you can find in the Hotel Payment Code Setup screen.
  • Do not worry about the S4 Code column.

Worldpay: Customers using Worldpay can run MENUEPCO when running program by name to access the configuration.



If you are using EMV PIN Pads, you must add a payment code with these settings:

Code = $
Description = EMV
Credit card info swiped = V 




 These descriptions must be typed exactly as shown:    


 ROOM CHARGE is selected when closing a guest check/ticket to a guest room folio.

 ACCOUNT CHARGE is selected when closing a guest check/ticket to a master folio.

 A/R CHARGE is selected to create a direct bill A/R invoice only if you do not use Execu/Suite PMS.
 If you are not using credit card processing, use this code for the credit card icon to display on the Total screen.

 If you are not using credit card processing, use this code for the credit card icon to display on the Total screen.
 If you are not using credit card processing, use this code for the credit card icon to display on the Total screen.

 If you are not using credit card processing, use this code for the credit card icon to display on the Total screen.

 If you are not using credit card processing, use this code for the credit card icon to display on the Total screen.

The payment code S is for Split Check.  When this option is selected on the Total screen you will have an opportunity to split a check.  You will need to save the check first.  This is a handy option if you have a lot of guests not telling you to split a check until they are ready to pay.  Otherwise, you don't need to clutter your Total screen with unnecessary buttons. 

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Article ID
Last Modified
 7/5/2024 3:47 PM