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Home > Year-End Procedures > Accounts Payable

Although nothing is required within Execu/Tech accounts payable at year-end there are tasks you should perform regularly.

Make sure all batches are updated on any workstation processing accounts payable.

Print an accounts payable ageing/cash requirements report.  The TOTAL should match the balance in your general ledger accounts payable account.  Execu/Tech cannot assist you with this.

The vendor totals on the ageing/cash requirements should match the on-screen vendor detail display.

NEVER void an accounts payable invoice once the batch has been updated.  If you find that this has been done, you need to post manually the debit and credit transactions into general ledger.

If an invoice has been entered in error you can create an offset credit invoice.  To make both invoices "paid" type 9 in the pay code field for both invoices.  Do this only if the sum of the two invoices is zero.

Remember to print vendor 1099's.

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Last Modified
 12/26/2013 4:22 PM