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Home > Execu/Suite Hotel PMS > Setup Execu/Suite Hotel PMS > Manager Menu / Setup > Hotel Control Files Setup

Hotel Control Files Setup

Most of your hotel's data and parameters are entered into the system in Manager/Setup.  If you are setting up Execu/Suite for the first time, enter the data in the order on the Control Files Setup menu, starting with Parameter Record.  This menu is shown below.


  • Parameter Record  
  • Season Record
  • Rooms
  • Room Types
  • Tax Codes
  • Charge Codes
  • Payment Codes
  • Guest Packages
  • Market Segment Codes
  • Source of Business Codes
  • Corporate File
  • Guest Profile Tools
  • Housekeeping Codes
  • Yield Management
  • Meeting Room Parameters
  • User Define Comments
  • Graphical Room View

  • Execu/Tech Systems offers professional training.  We can come to your property or train you remotely.  Email support@execu-tech.com for a quote or to schedule your trainer.

    Article ID
    Last Modified
     3/16/2023 2:44 PM