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Home > Execu/Suite Hotel PMS > Setup Execu/Suite Hotel PMS > Other Settings > Configuration Settings




Your software probably came with the default settings used by most hotels.  However, there are configuration options that you can change so that Execu/Suite works best for you.  Some of these settings will be added to this Guide.  Meanwhile, please contact Execu/Tech if you would like instructions to any of the items discussed.

 Parameter Record         

The Parameter Record  is located in Manager/Setup > Hotel control files setup.  Here are a few of the settings in the Parameter Record:

  • Amount due to calculate at check-in:  one day or entire stay
  • A pop-up asking if you want to post payment now:  No popup, cash only, or all payment types.
  • Tape chart list:  by room number, by room type
  • Default rate code (1-5, W, M, P)
  • Night audit cut-off time
  • Days to hold rooms for no-shows
  • Multiple properties - company codes/companies to include is availability screen/tape chart
  • Passwords: overbook, etc.

 Guest Packages

Guest packages  are setup in Manager/Setup > Hotel control files setup.  Here are some of the options you can set for individual packages:

  • RC* and RT*:  You can specify a dollar amount for Room Charge and Room Taxes or you can allow Execu/Suite to calculate them based on room type and season/date.
  • Incidentals:  Incidental charges can post per room, per adult, per child, or per adult and child.  Alternatively incidental charges can post a defined percentage of total charges (excluding RT* and ST*).
  • Packages can be set to post each item separately; one line per night, one line per night with taxes separately; or one line per stay.
  • Packages can be set to post nightly, the first night only, or incidentals the first night and room charges nightly.


MENUINI.FIL  is a configuration file that determines several settings.  You should not edit this file if you do not know what you are doing.  If you are not precise you may cause certain features to work improperly.  You should always make a backup of this file prior to editing. 

Following are some of the settings that can be turned on or off, or that can be set as defaults.  There are many more.
Dual currencies and exchange rates
Default number of credit card receipts to print
Default prompt for POS item code when setting up Inventory items
Default not check hotel guest credit limit when posting POS "room charge"
POS credit card tab limits
Print second and/or third hotel folio "comment" lines on registration form
Multiple confirmation letters
Multiple cancellationn letters
Multiple registration forms
Guest Profile on/off/lookup/setup defaults
Rate code title/descriptions
Use Outlook instead of ExecEmail for confirmation letters
Default deposit due date
Default deposit method
For instructions see MENUINI.FIL Configuration


 For Point of Sale options see Store Record.
 For WebRes options see WebRes .

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Last Modified
 7/8/2022 2:36 PM