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Home > Execu/Touch Point Of Sale > Execu/Touch POS Miscellaneous > Tableside Wireless Tablets

Tablets and Handheld Devices

  • Tablets and handheld devices access Execu/Suite PMS and Execu/Touch POS software using a Remote Desktop client.
    This means most newer Windows, Android, iOS, etc. devices are compatible.

  • Any device that can run a Remote Desktop client compatible with Microsoft's Remote Desktop Services can technically work, but you need to make sure the hardware has decent performance.

  • The configuration of the device, Remote Desktop client and the Remote Desktop server is the responsibility of the customer's network professional. We can point them in the right direction, but we don't sell or manufacture the devices or Remote Desktop client software, and can't offer specific instructions for each device. The manufacturers of the devices and Remote Desktop client software are better suited to answer questions about their setup. 

    The Remote Desktop users should be configured in the same manner as with a desktop computer. Software Installation

  • Make sure that the device and Remote Desktop client software are configured so that they don't log off or go on stand-by while in use. You'll want to provide many charging stations to be sure the devices don't run low on battery power.

  • If credit card processing is needed, you should use wireless EMV PIN Pads.

  • Printing is handled just like any other Remote Desktop Client. Printer Setup

These pictures are of an iPad mini in a rugged case.


Article ID
Last Modified
 2/16/2023 4:14 PM