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Home > Execu/Suite Hotel PMS > Procedures Execu/Suite PMS > Night Audit > Night Audit Report Viewer

Night Audit (Archive) Report Viewer

To view and print all reports that were printed during night audit, you can use our Archive Report ViewerThis is especially helpful since some of the reports cannot be reprinted, such as Final Post Room & Tax and Final Recap


The report viewer can also sort and filter data from the final Charge and Payment Journal created by the night audit process. You can import a date range, sort and filter, then print or export as a CSV file to be used in Excel or other applications.


If you are on a relatively new version of Execu/Suite, then you already have this program. The file name is ETReportviewer.exe.

  • It will be located in your ExecuTech hotel folder on your server, where your Execu/Tech programs and files are located.
  • If you do not know the location of your hotel folder, see Find Software Application Folder.

If you do not have ETReportviewer.execlick HERE to download ETReportviewer.ZIP.

Extract the contents of ETReportviewer.ZIP into your ExecuTech hotel folder. Note: if you are a Cloud Hosted customer, we will need to install it for you. 

The Report Viewer can also be run from your Night Audit Menu. If you do not see it there, you may contact us to request having this menu option added.


This application is very easy to run. ​


From the Night Audit Menu:

From the Hotel folder: 

Double-click on ETReportViewer.exe.

When the application opens, you will see this window:

Select the report date and type.


Note: This application finds reports from the night audit text files. If a particular report was not created during the night audit on the date selected, you will see popups such as these:


Select a report and click Print.


Generate Reports


You can select a beginning and ending date to import data from the Night Audit reports. The larger your date range, the longer the import will take. The speed also depends on your computer and network performance. 


After importing, you can further sort and filter the data to find what you're looking for. 


You can also group the data by any of the columns. Click and drag a column into the indicated area above the columns. This grouping can be multi layered, too. For example, you can group by employee and then group those results by the date and time. Grouping will affect the sort order of the data exported or printed, but it won't change the totals.


Once you've sorted and filtered the data, you can export is to a CSV (with headers) file or print it. Be aware that printing large amounts of data can take a long time and use a lot of paper. 


Click the Print button on the top right and you'll see a prompt asking if you want to generate the report now. Any time you change the data in the Data Grid, you'll need to clock the Print button and generate a new report.



When you click Generate, you'll see the body of the report being generated, but nothing will print until you click the print button on the report viewer.



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Last Modified
 5/21/2024 11:15 AM