Home > Execu/Suite Hotel PMS > Setup - Execu/Suite PMS > Manager Menu / Setup > Hotel Control Files Setup > Room Types
Go to Manager/Setup > Hotel Control Files Setup > Rooms / Room Types
Select Room Type Set-up to set up or edit room types
Room Type is the alphanumeric code for this room type
Description may be up to twenty characters and will print on the registration form and confirmation letter. Examples are "2 Qs w/ microfridge" and "1 BR facing lake".
Number of Rooms should match the actual number of rooms of this type in the Rooms setup. If this does not match, your availability will not be accurate. Central Res'v Cod should be blank unless otherwise instructed by Execu/Tech. Include in Count? is set to Y if you wish this room type included in inventory. If you are setting up boat slips or RV spaces that require water and electricity meter readings for posting purposes, enter U in the field. Default Market Segment sets the default market segment for this room type if you enter a valid market segment code . This field rarely is used. Default Source of Business sets the default source of business for this room type if you enter a valid source of business code . This field rarely is used. Comment may be up to 30 characters and is for storing comments for this room type. It does not print or display anywhere else. You may use 'Notes' to enter information that can display in the Room Types availability screen. The Notes button is at the bottom of the Room Type setup screen. Room rate 'Multiple persons' number (default 2) sets the number of persons allowed in a room before the "Extra persons" rate applies. The default is 2, meaning that the Extra person rate will apply to the third and each additional person in the room. If this field is set to 4, then the Extra person rate will apply to the fifth and each additional person. Maximum number of persons sets the maximum number of persons allowed for this room type. For example, if this room type accommodates no more than four persons, then you would enter 4 in this field. You may leave the field blank if you do not want to restrict this. Webres minimum availability is reserved for future use. When active, it will be used to set the minimum number of rooms of this type available on WebRes.
Update Room Prices:
Copy Room Types
Go to Manager/Setup > Hotel Control Files Setup > Rooms / Room Types > Copy Room Types
Enter the room type to copy FROM and the room type to copy TO.
All information will copy including seasons and rates. You can then go into the new room type and change things such as 'Description' and 'Number of rooms' as appropriate.
The Notes will not copy. However, you can use your mouse to copy the Notes from one room type and then paste them with your mouse into the other room type.