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Home > Remote Connection (RemoteET) > Uninstall Old Remote Connection App

There are still many customers who have not uninstalled the our older remote connection application called ETConnect. We stopped using it because it's out of date and doesn't provide the level of encryption and security we require. As older encryption protocols are replaced, the software that uses them should be upgraded or replaced. We chose to replace our remote connection application. 

The old remote connection repeater service has been uninstalled from out host server. This means that it's impossible for anyone to use the remote connection application to connect to your computer. The remote connection application used the repeater service to accept connections, and without it, it's unable to operate.

Our remote connection application is typically only installed on a single computer at your location, usually the file server. However, some customers don't want to give us access to their server so they install it on another computer. Also, in come circumstances, a customer will install it on more than one computer.

Unfortunately, we can't tell you the physical location of the computer where the application is installed, only the description it was given in the remote connection application. We We will attempt to contact customers who show up on our logs but sometimes the information entered into the application is not valid. If you are concerned that you may still have this application installed, email support@execu-tech.com and inquire.

These are the steps necessary to ensure that it's completely uninstalled.

  1. On each computer running Execu/Tech software, including any servers, dedicated interface computers, etc., locate the installation folder.
    By default it will be installed to C:\Executech\ETConnectServer.
    It could be installed to another drive of folder so you can also search for the program name ETConnectServer.exe.

  2. Once you've located and opened the installation folder, run the application inside this folder called uninstall.exe.

  3. When you run it you'll likely get a User Account Control prompt. Click Yes

  4. Click Uninstall.

  5. When the uninstall completes, click Close.

  6. Please be sure to check all computers where you think this application might have been installed.

Article ID
Last Modified
 7/26/2019 1:53 PM