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Home > Credit Card Processing > Shift4 Credit Card Processing > Shift4 Fix (June 19, 2020)

Starting on the evening of June 18, 2020 we began receiving reports of issues with the Shift4 i4go interface. It appears that this may be related to a Windows update.
You can call or email Execu/Tech support and we will put you on our list to update, but the list is currently long. If you feel comfortable updating 2 files then you can do it yourself.

Even after applying this fix some customers are getting a new intermittent error. Error: Response 504 FAILURE. This is not the same as an HTTP 504 error and we are working with Shift4 to determine the cause. 
If you get this error, TRY AGAIN. Customers are reporting that the card will process after being retried one or more times.

You may be seeing this or a similar error when you try to process a credit card using Shift4.

Unexpected character encountered while parsing value: <.
Path '', line 0, position 0.
Cobol error at 003410 in MENUS4.cob

You may also see a prompt asking you to download a .json file.

 We do have a fix as of June 19, 2020 and here's how you get it.

  • Download this compressed file to your server.
    Shift4 i4go Fix

  • This compressed file contains two files. Extract both of these files to the Execu/Tech software folder.
    • ETPayments.dll (This is the file that handles communication with various payment gateways, like Shift4)
    • ETRegister.exe (This is an app that creates necessary registry entries, registers ActiveX and .Net assemblies, etc.)

  • If you receive an error telling you that ETPayments can't be overwritten, you will need to exit all instances of the Execu/Tech software and try again. If it still doesn't work, restart the server and try again BEFORE running the software. 

  • Once ETPayments.dll has been copied to the software folder check to see if you can process a credit card at all terminals. If you can, skip this step.
    If not, run ETRegister.exe from each terminal that can't process a credit card. 
    Instructions for ETRegister.exe

  • AFTER applying this fix some customers are discovering that they haven't updated their computers to handle the TLS 1.2 security requirement. If you receive an error similar to
    "System.NotSupportedException: The requested security protocol is not supported."
    Then you're likely experiencing the issue described in error # 21 on this page - TLS 1.2 Requirements. Please follow the instructions found there.

Article ID
Last Modified
 9/21/2021 1:10 PM