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Home > Execu/Suite Hotel PMS > Setup - Execu/Suite PMS > Preparation/Installation > Your Company Setup

Company Setup

The default company for both Execu/Suite PMS and Execu/Touch POS will be 01.  However, you may have up to 99 companies within Execu/Tech software.  Note that all companies must have a two-digit company number. 

New Execu/Tech customers may set up the company record after entering your software license access code.   Existing customers may set up additional companies.  The other companies may be sister properties (within the same database), separate profit centers or stores, or accounting companies.

Each workstation will be set up automatically to log into a specific company. 

Before You Set Up a New Company


Make sure you have a User ID set up for the new company, or a User ID with access to ALL companies. This is done in System Maintenance in Execu/Suite PMS (or the Administrator menu in Execu/Touch POS.) Your User ID must have Administrator permissions within Execu/Tech software to access these programs.

Go to System Maintenance > User ID/Security Set-up.

Select Set up Employee Records

When the employee setup window opens, enter ** (two asterisks or stars) in the Company no field to give that employee access to all companies. Otherwise, enter the two-digit company number that the employee may access. Continue with the User/Employee setup.

POS users note that the above instructions are to allow access to System Administrator or System Maintenance. You will still need to setup POS Employee Records for the appropriate stores for all companies.


Set Up New Company


Once you have created a User ID that will allow you into all companies, go to System Maintenance > Select Another Company.

Click the Company Set-up button.  If you have an older version that does not have this button, press Esc on your keyboard. 

When the COMPANY SET-UP window opens, enter the two-digit Company code.  Press Enter.

Enter the Company name, up to 30 characters.

Most properties do not assign a Company password and this is not required.  If you want to restrict users' company access to only one company, the most common method is to set up their User IDs for only the company they should access.   If you do wish to set up a company password, you may use up to 8 characters.

Click Save when you are finished or press Enter until the window closes.

You will return to the log-in screen.  When you log in, you will be in the new company.  This is why you should make sure your User ID is valid for the new company.

To change the company name follow the same procedure.

Article ID
Last Modified
 9/4/2024 10:44 AM