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Worldpay Receipt Printer Setup 

In POS, there is no need to configure a credit card receipt printer because these receipts print on the printer defined in the POS Terminal Record.

In Execu/Suite (the hotel software your Worldpay credit card receipt printers must be defined. In the point of sale software, credit card receipts print to the terminal’s receipt printer and something similar must be set up in Execu/Suite.

You’ll set up this printer using the “//” method, described in detail here: 
POS Printer Setup.

If you get the Page Setup dialog rather than the Print Setup dialog, this is how you fix it. Unable to Select Printers

When operating in a Remote Desktop environment, don’t use “session” or “redirected” printers. These are auto generated printers and not suited to an environment needing static printer direction.


You MUST add this printer to this user's 'Printers and Faxes' list in their Remote Desktop environment.


The printer must be accessible from EVERY TERMINAL that needs to print to it. It must be accessible via the same name as specified in the settings. If the same printer is configured with different names on different computers, you will need to create separate terminal records for each terminal so that the printer can be properly set for each terminal. At the bottom of this page you will find details on setting the terminal ranges.

  1. This is done by running a utility named MENUEPCO. You run it by clicking File > Special > Run Program by Name

    If you're using the older 'Push Button' menu, where all menu items are displayed in a box in the center of the application, you use a different method to access the Program Name prompt:
    At the Master Menu, use a keyboard to type the number 88 and then press Enter.  

  2. After selecting this option you'll see a small window with a field to type a program name. This is where you type MENUEPCO.
    Click OK, and when presented with the "Select Printer" menu, press the Enter key.

  3. Select the Terminals tab. Double-click the cell in the Printer column that corresponds to your terminal. This will highlight the text of an existing printer. If no printer name is there, you can type one, beginning with "//".

    Naming and Selecting the Printer

      You can right-click the printer's name to see which Windows printer is currently selected.

    Picking the printer's name is important. If you have the preferred printer, the Epson TM-T88 or newer (most newer Epson thermal receipt printers are compatible) then the printer device name should be //TMT88. If you have multiple TMT88 printers they must all have a unique name, so name them something easy like //TMT88-1, //TMT88-2, etc. If the printer isn’t Epson compatible, the name can be any of your choosing.


    Seq  This is the sequence number for this row. Add 1 to the sequence number above it. You can't skip rows or numbers(000 - 999)
    Description  This is a short description of this terminal range.
    Beg Term  This is the begging terminal number for this range. (001 - 099)
    End Term  This is the ending  terminal number for this range. (001 - 099)
    Printer  This is the field where you name and select the printer for this terminal range. This is where you use the "//" printer selection method.
    Resv AcctID  This is the 'Reservations' merchant ID and applies to all credit card transactions in Advance Deposits. 
    Hotel AcctID  This is the 'Hotel' merchant ID and applies to all credit card transactions in Front Desk. 
    POS AcctID  This is the 'Point of Sale' merchant ID and applies to all credit card transactions in Point of Sale. 
    A/R AcctID  This is the 'Accounts Receivable' merchant ID and applies to all credit card transactions in Accounts Receivable / Direct Bill. 
    TriPOS?  If EMV PIN Pads are used for this terminal range, enter "Y".

  4. After highlighting the printer's name or entering a new one, press the Enter key.

    The Windows Printer Setup will open. Select the printer from the "Name" dropdown box.

    Never click "Network" to select a printer. The printer must already be set up on the computer and selectable from the Name dropdown box.

  5. After selecting the printer, click OK. You'll see a box confirming the printer that was selected. Click OK.

    To verify the printer that is selected for a terminal range, RIGHT-CLICK the name in the "Printer" column.
    If you use the method to select another printer, the printer that you see in the printer dialog box may not be correct because we have no control over the printers shown in this list.
Setting the Terminal Range

The terminal range is the Beginning Terminal through the Ending Terminal. The terminal range serves two primary functions.
  1. Defines the printer on which the credit card receipts for these terminals will print.
  2. Defines the Merchant IDs that the terminals will use. 

It's best to define a blanket range, from 001 to 099, with the default Merchant IDs for each category. This ensures that any new terminals added will at least be able to process credit cards. This range should be placed on the first row.  Any redefined terminal ranges will override any above it.
POS Terminals
For Point of Sale terminals, the printer setting doesn't matter because these terminals will print the credit card receipt to the receipt printer that's defined in the Point of Sale Terminal Record. See POS Printer Setup. Because of this, Point of Sale terminal ranges only need to be grouped by terminals using the same Merchant ID.

All Other Terminals
For all other terminals (Reservations, Front Desk, A/R) the terminal ranges should be grouped by both Merchant IDs and Printers. (For example: 3 terminals that share the same Printer and Merchant IDs can be on the same row, as long as they have concurrent terminal numbers.) 
  • If your terminal numbers are spread out and not concurrent, you can use a blanket range that include the full range of the terminal numbers, then, below this line, redefine and terminal numbers that don't fit in to this range. 

  • If your terminals use the same Merchant IDs but different printers, these terminal ranges will need to be defined separately, because only one printer can be defined per terminal range.

Article ID
Last Modified
 7/1/2024 11:48 AM