Home > Credit Card Processing > Shift4 Credit Card Processing > Shift4 i4Go V2 > Shift4 i4Go V2 Internet Explorer Trusted Zone
To facilitate secure communication between Execu/Tech software and Shift4's i4Go V2 service, HTML and Javascript are used. Because of this, you may experience some errors related to Internet Explorer Trusted Zones after updating to i4Go V2 or installing a new terminal. This is typically because Internet Explorer Enhanced Security Configuration is enabled. While you can disable this, it is preferred that you tell your server or workstation that the updates are safe to run. The latest version of ETRegister will address these issues, so try running it, first. Register Programs and Controls
Even though Microsoft has depreciated Internet Explorer, many of its core functions are still in use.
When an application uses the .Net WebBrowser control, this uses the same controls that Internet Explored uses, which means the same security restrictions apply. This will help you create the necessary settings to allow proper functioning of the Shift4 i4Go v2 method of credit card tokenization.
Don't uncheck the box on the error message titled Continue to prompt when website content is blocked. This will stop all further security messages and may make troubleshooting harder. If you did uncheck this box, you can fix it by editing the following registry key:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\LowRegistry\DontShowMeThisDialogAgain
Set DisplayTrustAlertDlg to 1.