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Home > Execu/Suite Hotel PMS > Setup - Execu/Suite PMS > Setup Bullet Points & Notes > Market and Source Codes

Market Segment codes  are used to define the type or guest or why the guest is visiting your property.  Examples or market segments include vacation, corporate, military, SMERF.  You can use Market Segment codes in a way that works best for you.

You may apply special Room Charge codes to market segments if you wish.  These will override the default RC when the market segment code is selected for any guest.  For example, you might have market segment code LOC for local guests.  You can designate room charge code RCL to apply to those guests.  This is especially helpful if the tax structure is different or if you need to track revenue differently for a specific market segment.

Source of Business codes  are used to track how the guests heard about your property.  Some hotels use this field for channel tracking as well.  You can use Source of Business codes in a way that works best for you.

You can restrict source of business codes to specific market segments, but you do not have to do this.  An example is source of business College News applying to market segment Spring Break.

Market segment codes are required in all instances, so you must have at least one.  Source of business codes may be configured to be required.  We recommend this.

You also can set up companies in the Corporate File  if you would like an additional parameter for tracking guests.  In addition to companies, the corporate file can be used for types of stays (such as military) or discount definitions (15%) etc. 

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Last Modified
 10/12/2016 1:07 PM