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PMS Employee Setup



First, set up Security Levels if you have not already done so.


To set up (or edit) an employee user ID, go to System Maintenance > User ID/Security Setup > Set up Employee Records.

The following screen will open:

Company no: Enter the two-digit company code for this User ID. 

  • Enter 2 asterisks (**) to allow the user to log in to ALL companies.  Your system administrator should have ** company access, as well as managers (at your discretion.)

Employee code:  Enter up to four characters.  Typical is the employee's initials.  If you are using Time and Attendance, use only three characters.

Employee name:  Enter the employee's name, up to 30 characters.

Password: Enter a password, up to 8 characters.  Note that the user cannot change his/her own password unless that employee has permission to this screen.  If you are using employee login cards, this is where you swipe the card to encrypt the password and encode the card.

Menu Permissions: This gives the employee access to menus such as Front Desk and Manager.  See PMS Menu Permissions for the alpha codes to use. 

  • To assign the user access to ALL menus, enter an asterisk (*) in this field.  Note that assigning * permissions gives users access to System Maintenance; you should carefully consider to whom you give this access to.
  • When entering the alpha codes, do so without spaces or punctuation.  Example:  FRN.

Work code: If you are not using Time and Attendance, leave this field blank.  If you are using Time and Attendance, enter a valid work code as set up in Time & Attendance > Work code setup.

Clock-in Required: If you are not using Time and Attendance, leave this field blank.  If you are using Time and Attendance, type Y if the employee must clock in, and type N if the user is not required to clock in.

Social Security #: Leave this field blank.

Department: If you are not using Time and Attendance, leave this field blank.  If you are using Time and Attendance, enter a valid department code as set up in User ID/Security Setup > Set up Department Records.

Scheduled Employee: leave this blank unless you are using Employee Scheduling.

Security level: This is a required field.  See Security Levels

Log program execution?: Leave this field blank unless advised by Execu/Tech.

Email address:
Enter the employee's email address.  This field is required if you use Inventory Control with "purchase order authorization" set.


See Also:


Security Levels

PMS Menu Permissions


Setting up Execu/Touch Point of Sale (POS) Employees/Users

Article ID
Last Modified
 8/14/2023 1:00 PM