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Home > Interfaces > OTA / HTNG > OTA / HTNG 2 Way Push

The OTA / HTNG interface imports reservations from the Central Reservation System (CRS) and in the 2 way interface, provides rates, inventory and minimum length of stay information to the CRS.

Synxis and TravelClick use this method.

Vertical Booking uses the PULL method OTA / HTNG 1 & 2 Way Pull

You can force a resync of all data between the PMS and CRS at any time.
  • In the PMS software folder, delete the file "garimpav.fil"
    Within 2 minutes, a full resync should begin. 

Performance Expectations
  • The interface runs unattended, on the server. Once installed and configured, there is nothing else you need to do.
  • Every 2 minutes, the PMS will send any updates to availability, rates and length of stay restrictions to the CRS.
  • The CRS will typically send any new, modified or cancelled reservations to the PMS within 5 minutes. This time this time varies and you should contact your CRS vendor for specific time details.
  • The PMS will respond to the reservation message within 1 minute to let the CRS know if the reservation was imported or if there was an error.

This is the general flow of data.

 The types of information communicated between the PMS and CRS via the interface.

  After you make a reservation or check in a guest in the PMS, the interface will send a message to the CRS updating the inventory count for the affected room type. For example, you make a reservation for Jane Smith, arriving December 12th and departing December 17th for room type QQS. Within 2 minutes, the interface sends a message to the CRS that will reduce the number of available rooms for type QQS by 1 for December 12th, 13th, 14th, 15th and 16th.  

Minimum Length of Stay 
If you have a minimum length of stay for the Christmas holiday, the interface will send a message to the CRS updating the minimum length of stay for the date specified in the PMS. This message is sent in the initial sync, any manual resync and any time the settings are changed in the PMS.

Rates 1 through 5 and all season rates are sent to the CRS for each room type. The rate message is sent in the initial sync, any manual resync and any time the rates are changed in the PMS.

Reservations (New, Modified and Cancelled)
  The CRS will send a reservation message to the interface shortly after a reservation has been made through the CRS. Once the interface has received the massage it will reply to the CRS that the message was received. After the PMS has processed the reservation, the interface will send a message to the CRS letting it know if the reservation was processed successfully or if there were any errors. An example of an error would be if a modification or cancellation was received from the CRS for a reservation that was already cancelled in the PMS. In this case, the interface tells the CRS that the reservation was already cancelled.

Article ID
Last Modified
 11/30/2021 9:23 AM