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Home > Inventory Control > Inventory Processing > Miscellaneous Postings

You will use Miscellaneous Postings to enter transfers, issues, and adjustments.  Transfers are used to move a quantity of an item from one location to another.  Issues are used to relieve a quantity of an item not sold via POS.  Adjustments are used to make corrections.

Go to Inventory Control > Inventory Processing > Miscellaneous postings.

The example below shows a Transfer, an Issue, and an Adjustment.

Make sure to press Enter to move from field to field.  Do not use your mouse.

Type Enter T for Transfer, I for Issue, or A for Adjustment.

Item Code Enter the item code or type ? to look up the item by description

Date Enter the transaction date.

Location Enter the item's location for this transaction.  If posting a Transfer, enter the current location.

Location Leave this field blank except for posting a Transfer.  Enter the location to transfer the item to.

UOM Enter the unit of measure for this transaction or press Enter for the item's default unit of measure.  Note:  Transfers and Adjustments default to the Stock unit of measure.  Issues default to the Issue unit of measure.

Quantity Enter the quantity for this transaction.  Make sure to note the UOM used.  If you are posting an adjustment, make sure to type a minus sign to subtract that amount.

Cost This field will auto-populate to the setup cost but you may change it if necessary for this transaction.

Sale You may leave this field blank.

Adj. Code For Adjustments you may enter an adjustment code or leave the field blank. 

Reference  You may enter a reference for this transaction.

OK Make sure to press Enter to save the line.  Your cursor will move to the next line.  This line has not been saved until you press Enter and your cursor moves to the next line.

When you are finished, click the Exit button at the top left or press Esc on your keyboard.  A popup will ask if you wish to update the batch.  You should answer yes.  If you wish to update the batch later, do not forget to do so.

Here is an updated batch showing the three transactions:

Here is the Item Detail Display for the Transfer:

Here is the Item Detail Display for the Issue:

Here is the Item Detail Display for the Adjustment:

Remember to update your batch.

See also Enter Waste Adjustments.

End of Document

Article ID
Last Modified
 12/28/2015 10:23 AM