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Home > Execu/Suite Hotel PMS > Setup - Execu/Suite PMS > Manager Menu / Setup > Hotel Control Files Setup > Meeting Room Parameters

Meeting Room Parameters are settings for Execu/Tech's Catering and Events software which is a separate purchase.  If you are not using that module you may skip this section.

Go to Manager/ Setup > Hotel Control Files Setup > Meeting Room Parameters.

"Last contract number" displays the last contract number assigned.  You may set up any number you wish if you're setting up for the first time.  If you enter 5999, for example, the next contract number assigned by the system will be 6000.  Once you are using the Events module you should not reset these numbers.

"Last cancellation number"  displays the last contract number assigned.  You may set up any number you wish if you're setting up for the first time.  If you enter 999, for example, the next contract number assigned by the system will be 1000.  Once you are using the Events module you should not reset these numbers.  The cancellation number should not be near the last contract number so that they always have distinct and separate numbers.

"Service charge percent" is the percentage amount to apply to selected items in the Events item setup.  Enter 15.00 for 15% (fifteen percent)

"Service charge revenue code" is the Hotel charge code for the event service charge such as EVSC.  This is what will post to each event's master folio when a service charge is posted automatically to any item that posts to the folio.

The other Events/Catering and Meeting Rooms setup is done in the Events and Catering  section of this Help & Knowledgebase.

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Last Modified
 12/18/2017 4:17 PM