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Inventory Overview

Execu/Tech's Inventory Control is a reliable, easy to use method for tracking your inventory. Whether you need to control retail items, food & beverage goods, housekeeping supplies or maintenance equipment, you can use this system to track your inventory, look up item details or print reports.


With seamless integration to Execu/Touch POS and Execu/Tech Back Office, tasks are automated, saving time and eliminating mistakes.

  • Retail sales can update inventory.
  • Beverage dispensing can update inventory.
  • The system can create General Ledger transactions and Accounts Payable vendor invoices.
  • The Recipe File lets you update inventory from restaurant meals or from mixed drinks.
  • You can scan barcodes and even print your own barcode labels.
  • You can use wireless devices as well as regular laptops and workstations
  • You can upload physical inventory using ETScan and a compatible device.

Parameter Settings 


Several parameter settings determine how Inventory Control works to your specifications.  Here are some of the MENUINI.FIL settings:

  • You can let the system generate POS items when you set up inventory items. This is convenient in retail settings. Alternatively, you can let the system prompt for an existing POS item.
  • You can let the system place POS items on the touch screen for manual item entry, or you can have them in the background and use a barcode scanner.
  • You can select a vendor from the "current" company or from the hotel's Accounts Payable company.
  • You can have the system create A/P invoices when inventory items are created. This is less common, as the actual invoice amount may not be the same as the amount on the shipping or delivery order or manifest.
  • You can have an Inventory store for each POS store, or you can have one centralized inventory to which the POS stores communicate.
    For example, if you have 3 restaurants (3 POS stores) but order and receive inventory into 1, you want the second option. You would set up the separate restaurants as locations in this instance.
    However, it might be easier to manage the inventory if each POS store has its own Inventory store. You have to make this decision.
  • You can specify which terminal the POS End of Day batch is sent to. Unless specified, the POS batch will be on the terminal where POS End of Day is done.

You can let your Execu/Tech trainer know how you wish to handle your inventory control, and the trainer will assist you in setting the proper parameters.

We assume that you have purchased training with your Inventory module. If not, note that training is billable.



When you set up computer shortcuts to the ExecuTech folder, you need to be mindful of the Terminal Numbers you assign. This is crucial. See Batch Terminals setup.


Note: Execu/Touch POS and Back Office are separate purchases and not included with the purchase of Inventory Control.


Inventory Setup
Inventory Processing
Inventory Integration
Inventory Reports

Article ID
Last Modified
 1/28/2025 12:36 PM