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Computer Hardware

We do not recommend specific computer hardware and cannot tell you which computer to buy. Please consult your IT professional for advice.


Almost any new computer off the shelf at a major retailer is adequate as a client, and almost any sold as a 'server' is adequate as well. You'll just need to verify the RAM and hard drive requirements listed below.


We have no recommendation on the processor - you should follow the OS requirements, considering the needs of any additional software you may also be running.

Server (Minimum):
  • Business grade systems only. On-site hardware maintenance recommended.

  • A quality data backup and recovery system including necessary software is required. Consult your network administrator for assistance with this. Execu/Tech Systems is not responsible for your software backup and will not assist in extracting backed up data.  We will, however, assist your network administrator in determining what data should be backed up and restored in relation to Execu/Tech application software.

  • Follow Microsoft's minimum hardware requirements for the processor based on your OS choice and whether or not you will be using RDS.

  • Enough RAM should be installed so that Virtual Memory is rarely used. We can't tell you how much RAM this is because we don't know what other programs you use. However, Execu/Tech software will require about 100MB of RAM per instance while it's running. More RAM is always better.

    Each interface (Comtrol, Travelclick, Synxis, Vertical Booking, etc.) will also require 100MB of RAM if they're running on the server.

  • In a Remote Desktop environment, be sure that each session will have a minimum of 100MB RAM available. If you'll have 10 users connected using RDS, you should have at least 1GB additional RAM available.

  • It is critical that you avoid a low memory problem. More info: http://windows.microsoft.com/en-ph/windows/preventing-low-memory-problems

  • 25 GB Hard Drive space should be available to the Execu/Tech software. This may need to be increased depending on how many rooms, guests, reservations, transactions, etc. you have. It is impossible to estimate the size requirements for your hotel, but 25GB works for 99% of our customers. More hard drive space is always better.

  • Dedicated high-speed Internet connection and remote access software for Execu/Care support (Remote Desktop or our Remote ET free remote support application.)  We understand that many of our customers prefer other methods such as GoToMyPC, GoToAssist, WebEx, LogMeIn, Bomgar, TeamViewer, SimpleHelp, etc. However, we can't maintain a nearly unlimited array of remote connection applications and still provide adequate support. We will assist you in installing our free remote support application.

  • UPS (uninterruptible power supply) required.

Client workstations (minimum):
  • Business grade systems only.  On site hardware maintenance recommended.
    Use Thin Clients at your own risk, computers and tablets are very cheap.

  • Follow Microsoft's minimum hardware requirements for the processor.

  • Enough RAM should be installed so that Virtual Memory is rarely used. We can't tell you how much RAM this is because we don't know what other programs you use. However, Execu/Tech software will require about 100MB of RAM while it's running.
    Each interface (Comtrol, Travelclick, Synxis, Vertical Booking, etc.) will also require 100MB of RAM if they're running on a client computer.

  • In a Remote Desktop environment, be sure that each session will have a minimum of 100MB RAM available.

  • 1024x768 minimum resolution.

  • UPS (uninterruptible power supply).

  • Tablets - Tablets and other handheld devices will access the software directly (Windows tablets) or by using a Remote Desktop client software. More Information: Tableside Wireless Tablets



For systems hosted by Execu/Tech see Cloud Hosting.

Article ID
Last Modified
 10/1/2024 4:34 PM