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Guest Packages 

This is a list of things to know about packages.  For step-by-step instructions, see Guest Packages.


Guest packages allow you to apply several charge codes to a single package that will post automatically at night audit when Post Room & Tax is run. Most all-inclusive properties use packages for all guests. Other properties use packages for special promotions or events. 

Packages can be set to post a specified room rate or set to calculate the rate based on rate code, room type, and season.

Packages can be set to post nightly, first night only, or nightly (room and tax) with incidentals posting first night only.

Incidental package charges can apply per room, per adult, per child, or per adult & child.

Package charges can print on the guest folio one line, one line with taxes on separate lines, or all charges on separate lines.

You cannot use both Auto-post charges and Packages for the same folio.


See Also:


Guest Packages

Charge Codes

Article ID
Last Modified
 8/30/2024 4:50 PM