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Guest History

Folios go into Guest History when Reorganize Files is done during Night Audit after the folio has been checked out. Folios with a balance will not go into Guest History until the folio balance is zero.

Reservation History contains cancellations and no-shows. Once a reservation is checked in, the reservation is no longer active. The guest now has a folio, which will continue into Guest History.

Find a Guest in Guest History
Find a Guest in People/Profile
Assign a Different Profile to a Folio in Guest History
Find a Guest in Reservation History

Find a Guest in Guest History








Multiple Stays is applicable only for hotels not using Guest Profile.


You can select Notes to add notes to this stay. It does not update to Guest Profile.




You can select Guest Profile to update the profile.



You can select Activity Log to see tracked events such as rate changes, room reassignments, credit limit changes, etc.




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Find a Guest in People/Profile


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Assign a Different Profile to a Folio in Guest History

In the example below, there are 2 profiles for this guest. We want to reassign the first profile in Guest History to match the others.



Select the Guest History Name of the one you would like to reassign. (In this example, we will select ANDREWS, PEDRO.)

Display the folio and then select Guest Profile.


DO NOT change the Guest Name. Select Find/New.

Select an existing Profile Name or create a new one.


Select Yes to "Update guest history with profile information?"


Folio 1018 shows the reassigned profile name.

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Find a Guest in Reservation History

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See Also:


Guest Profile

Article ID
Last Modified
 9/5/2024 12:01 PM