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Home > Execu/Suite CRS > Force CRS to PMS Sync

 There may be times when the data between the CRS (OTA / HTNG reservation interface like Vertical Booking, TravelClick, Synxis and more) and PMS are out of sync. You can force the reservations on the CRS side to re-sync with the PMS.

  • Log in to your CRS portal and navigate to Reservations and then click the Reservations sub menu.

  • Select Modifiable List and search by whatever parameters will get the results your looking for.


  • Green Check = reservation has been confirmed as successfully retrieved by the PMS, no further action is required unless you want to re-sync the data. This is the status of “confirmed” in the reservations reporting in Vertical Booking. 


  • If you want to re-sync the data, reservations can be marked as not read to be resent, if desired, by checking the box until it is turned red: 



  • Yellow Check = the PMS has attempted to retrieve the reservation but has not confirmed that they have received it. This is the status of “failed” in the reservations reporting in Vertical Booking. 


  • If the box next to a reservation is yellow, a user may uncheck the box to turn it to red to allow the PMS a chance to retrieve it again
  • Red Box  = The PMS has not attempted to retrieve the reservation from Vertical Booking. Reservations in this status will be available for the PMS to retrieve from Vertical Booking. This is the status of “not confirmed” in the reservations reporting in Vertical Booking. 




Article ID
Last Modified
 3/27/2024 4:33 PM