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Employee Records - POS

New Employee Setup

Employee Record Lookup


Each POS user should have a unique user ID and password.  We recommend against universal users such as "Server", "Administrator", etc., as unique identifiers are necessary to cash out individually, print accurate reports, and track various operations. 

In addition to POS users, each clock-in/clock-out employee must have a unique user ID and password.  This includes non-POS users such as housekeeping and maintenance staff. 

For an added level of security you may provide employee cards for users to swipe. 

Prior to setting up employees/users, you should set up Employee Work Codes if you are using Time & Attendance.

Employees will log onto POS using their passwords.  However, they will need to know their employee IDs when transferring checks, printing cashier reports, server reports, etc.


New Employee Setup

Employee Records is found on the POS Administrator menu


This is the Employee Setup screen:



While you are setting up a new employee, make sure the screen says NEW EMPLOYEE at the top until you have saved the record. If you enter a user ID that is already taken, the screen will say EXISTING EMPLOYEE at the top and the screen will populate with that user's info. Any changes will overwrite the original record, so make sure you select a user ID that is not already in use. You can use the lookup tool to see what user IDs are already taken.

As you move to each field, the available options will display at the bottom of the setup screen. Some options listed below may not be available with your software version.

Store: Enter the two-digit store number (01 through 99) or ** for all stores.

  • When you first open the Employee Setup screen, the store number will default to the store you are currently logged into. 
  • The store number must be two digits: 01 through 99 are valid stores, 1 through 9 are not.
  • To grant the employee access to all stores, enter ** in the store number field.

Employee ID: Enter the numeric User ID code, up to 3 digits.

  • 1 or 2-digit employee ID codes will display with leading zeros (001, 025, etc.) in the employee lookup and on receipts/reports. 
  • We recommend using 3-digit codes, with the first digit representing a department or group of employees, as this makes lookup easier when searching by code.  For example, all employee IDs beginning with 1 might be one department, those beginning with 2 might be another department, and so on.  However, you may use numbers any way you wish.
  • Note:  Employee IDs 900 through 999 are reserved for training employees and should not be used for regular employee IDs. POS checks by employee IDs 900 through 999 do not print to the kitchen or post to the day's sales reports. 


1.  Name: May be up to 30 characters.

  • If using Execu/Tech's payroll system with time-clock import, enter the name as it appears in the payroll setup such as LASTNAME, FIRSTNAME.  Otherwise, it does not matter how you enter them.

2.  Address: Optional.

3.  City, State, Zip: Optional.

4.  Phone Number: Optional.

5.  Social Sec/Payroll no: This should be blank unless you are using Execu/Tech's Payroll system with time-clock import, in which case you will enter the employee's PAYROLL number.

  • Do not enter the employee's social security number as this is now prohibited by law.

6.  Type (S, C, V, A, N): This code determines the level of permission and security for the employee.

  • Enter S for Server, the lowest level of POS user.
  • Enter C for Cashier, the next level of POS user.
  • Enter V for Supervisor, the next level of POS user.
  • Enter A for Administrator, the highest POS users.
  • Enter N for non-POS users for clock-in/clock-out only.
  • Note: Type A employees have full administrator permissions. To limit or restrict permissions for Administrators, see Admin Levels.

7.  Login Password: May be up to 8 alphanumeric characters.

  • If you are using employee cards, leave this field blank and swipe the card when you are in this field.  The encoded password will populate the field and the card will be coded with the employee information and permissions. See also Use Employee Login Cards.

8.  Default Work Code: Enter the default work code for this employee.  See Employee Work Codes.

9.  Department: This code is used in Payroll and Timekeeping. If you do not use these modules you may leave this field blank.

  • This is the labor cost department for this employee, used in Payroll and Timekeeping.
  • These are user-defined and not set up elsewhere. 
  • Each code may be up to four characters. Examples:  REST, FD.  Typically, work codes are specific jobs within departments - a bus work code within a restaurant department code, for example.  

10. Void Permission: Y gives this employee Void permission. N does not to allow Void permission.

11. Default Quick key?: Default quick mode of order entry (Y, N, or O.) This field is for fine dining only. 

  • Y will bypass the table-selection screen and go directly to the order-entry screen. Note: If set to Y, this employee will not be able to split-tender and the system will not prompt for "amount to pay."
  • O will bypass the table-selection screen and go directly to the order-entry screen, but will display the "amount to pay" prompt.
  • N will display the table-selection screen and will prompt for "amount to pay
  • Y is typical for bar employees. O is typical for cashier-only employees. N is typical for servers, whether they are a cashier or not.

12. Close own checks?: Permission for employee to close their own checks: Y, N, (A)lways, (P)re-auth only.

  • Y for employees who may close their own checks.
  • N for employees who may not close their own checks.
  • A for employees who must close their own checks (such as in fast food or cafeteria settings.)
  • P for employees who may preauthorize credit cards, but are not permitted to close checks. 
  • C for "Close only". Speeds up counter service by eliminating "preauth/close' prompt. Note: this option is only available with newer software versions. Check your available options at the bottom of the setup screen.

13. Login method: Y, N, or C.

  • keeps the employee logged in rather than forcing a log-in after each transaction.
  • The Y setting is common for administrators, bartenders, and users with a dedicated workstation. 
  • N forces the employee to log-in after each transaction and is appropriate where more than one user will use a workstation.
  • C is best for cashier-only employees. It returns the user to the "display checks" menu rather than to the log-in screen or table-selection screen after each transaction.

14. Cash-out report (C/S): Determines what report  prints when the employee selects the "cash out" button. 

  • C will print a Cashier Report for this employee.
  • S will print a Server Report for this employee.

15. Suppress departments: No modifiers or remote print if cashier.

  • Will allow the employee to enter department-specific items without asking for modifiers or sending them to the report printer. 
  • For example, if L is a Liquor department, entering L in this field will allow a bartender to enter a liquor item without sending the item to the remote printer, since the bartender already knows what to do.  A server without this setting would enter the same liquor item, and the item would print at the bar's remote printer.  Likewise, the bartender would not be prompted for modifiers but the server would.

16. Scheduled employee?: Should be N unless you are using Execu/Tech's Employee Scheduling module.

  • Enter Y if you want the employee to clock in (only if you are using Execu/Tech's Employee Scheduling module.)
  • You should only use if you have purchased Execu/Tech's Employee Scheduling module, and have set this employee's schedule within that module. If you set this field for Y and the employee is not scheduled, the employee will not be able to clock in or access Execu/Touch.
  • Enter X if the employee does not need to clock in (only if you are using Execu/Tech's Employee Scheduling module.)

17. Cash drawer assigned: Enter 1, 2, or 0

  • Enter 1 to allow this employee to open the cash drawer.
  • If you have two cash drawers per terminal, you may set this field to 1 or 2.  We do not recommend multiple cash drawers per terminal and do not support this.  If will be up to your IT professional to make it work. 
  • Enter 0 if you do not want this employee to open the cash drawer at all.

18. No-sale allowed?: Is this employee allowed to select the "No Sale" button to open the cash drawer? Enter Y (allow) or N (disallow).

19. Enter no guests?: This setting determines whether or not the "number of guests?" keypad displays, and whether the employee is required to enter a number.

  • Y will display the "number of guests?" keypad after table selection, and will require the server to respond to this prompt.
  • N will display the "number of guests?" keypad, but the server is not required to enter the number of guests.
  • X will not display the "number of guests?" prompt.  X is recommended for bartenders, etc., in order to speed up order entry.

20. Allow gratuity?: Is this employee allowed to enter gratuity? Enter Y (allow) or N (disallow).

  • Note: a gratuity is not a tip. A gratuity prints separately on the guest check and is reported differently than a tip.
  • See Store Record for gratuity settings.

20. Return to page one?:  Automatically return to the first item page in order entry? Y or N.


21. Employee permissions: This sets additional permissions or restrictions for this employee.

  • T allows this employee time-clock editing access.
  • B is for a "blind drop" employee who is not allowed to print shift-end reports. This setting is used when employees simply turn in money and the manager counts the funds, prints reports, and balances them.
  • C allows a cashier to print prior-day checks.
  • O permits the employee to open only one check per table and must close a table's check before opening a new one.
  • D allows employee to display checks only

22 - 26: Work code: and Pay rate: These fields are used for time-clock reports and are used with Execu/Tech's Payroll and Time-Clock import program.

  • Each work code must be set up in Employee Work Codes.
  • Employees will have a default work code, entered into Field 8, "Default Work Code" on the Employee Setup screen.
  • Employees may be assigned a total of five work codes with corresponding pay rates.  This enables an employee to clock out of one work code and clock into another work code when changing tasks during the work day. The separate work codes and pay rates will import into payroll.

Admin Levels - Administrator Permissions

By default, "A" type employees have full administrator permissions.  You may limit or restrict them.

Click the AdmLevels button at the bottom of the Employee Setup screen.


A small window will open, allowing you to set separate Administrator Permissions.

Management Permissions: allows the employee to edit the store record, purge files, and edit history.  Answer Y to allow or N not to allow.

Accounting Permissions: allows the employee to edit or set up revenue department codes, payment codes, discount codes, employee records, work codes, and void codes.  Answer Y to allow or N not to allow.

Technician Permissions: allows the employee to edit or configure table setup, terminal records, and printer records.  Answer Y to allow or N not to allow. We highly recommend NOT allowing this permission for employees who have not been trained, who have not read POS Printer Setup and who do not understand or have access to Windows controls.  

Maintenance Permissions: allows the employee to edit or create menu items, categories, modifiers, or keyboard (item button) records.  Answer Y to allow or N not to allow.


After setting the Administrator Permissions, click Exit to return to the Employee Setup.


When you are finished setting up the employee, select the Yes button to save the record and return to the top of the screen to set up the next employee.


If you are finished setting up employees (after selecting Yes for the last employee entered) click the Cancel button on your screen or hit the <esc> button on your computer keyboard to exit Employee Setup.



Employee Record Lookup

If you need to look up an individual employee record, or see a list of the existing employee records, you can use the lookup button (magnifying glass.)


Look up by Code


Enter beginning store:

  • Enter the store number for the user/users you wish to see. It will only display users for this store number.
  • If you want to look up a user or users that have an ID for all stores, you must enter **.
  • Hit OK



Enter beginning code:

  • You can enter an employee ID code, or leave blank to see all users for the selected store (or **).
  • Hit OK


The employees IDs and names will display. If there are many employees, you may need to select the Next button at the bottom to view more.



Back to Execu/Touch POS Setup


Execu/Tech Systems offers professional training.  We can come to your property or train you remotely. 
support@execu-tech.com for a quote or to schedule your trainer.

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Last Modified
 6/10/2024 5:56 PM