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Cloud Hosting - Document Access

For hosted applications, from a print preview you can select Save to text file.

  • The file will be saved on your local computer.
  • The file name will be the menu name followed by the date and time. Example: Print Guests in House-20180831071823.txt.

Cloud Launcher Update

How to Save to Text File

How to View Saved Documents

Cloud Launcher Update 

If the version of your Cloud Launcher is older than v.2018.78.28.1, you will need to update it first.


Open the Cloud Launcher and go to File > Download Update.



Click Update Now.



The Cloud Launcher will restart after the update has completed.


How to Save to Text File 

When you log into Execu/Suite PMS, go to File > Select Printer and select Preview (Print to Your Screen)

Then print whatever report you wish to print, such as Room Inventory.


After the report displays on your screen, select Save to text file.


How to View Saved Documents

Then bring up the Cloud Launcher from your taskbar and select View Downloaded Documents.



The folder containing the documents will open. You can then open the documents in Notepad if you wish.



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Last Modified
 11/17/2023 2:13 PM