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Direct Bill (City Ledger) - Customer Detail Report

The Customer Detail Report is helpful in finding specific charges and payments, seeing which invoices were selected for specific payments, or troubleshooting in general.

From the Direct Bill or City Ledger menu, select Print Customer Detail.

You can print the report sorted by Customer Name or Customer Code.

  • If you are printing only one customer or a range of customers, select Sort by Customer Code.     


See the Print Customer Detail screen below.

  1. Enter the beginning and ending dates.
  2. Enter the beginning and ending customer codes (press <Enter> for all).
  3. Enter C for Charges, P for Payments, A for Adjustments, or press <Enter> for all.
  4. Enter charge/payment code to print/include or press <Enter> for all. (For example: you can enter a payment code (such as VS or ACH) to print only payments for that payment type in the date range/customers selected)
  5. Answer the other fields as appropriate.


Below is the sample Customer Detail Report for the above selections.

See Also:


Sample Reports

Customer Aged Trial Balance

Transaction Batch Update Report

Open Item Statements

Balance Forward Statements

A/R Report Generator

Article ID
Last Modified
 7/15/2024 5:06 PM