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Direct Bill (City Ledger) - Customer Aged Trial Balance

Customer Aged Trial Balance Report

  • This report prints a list of customers’ balances.
  • It also will show you the past-due aging sums based on the dates you enter.
  • You can print 30/60/90 days balances in addition to the current period.  

Go to Direct Bill (City Ledger) > Print Customer Aged Trial Balance.


  1. The "as of" date determines the "current balance" sum.

  2. The three ageing dates determine the sums for those columns. The ageing dates will default in one-month increments as shown, but you can enter any prior dates you wish.

  3. You may print by customer name or by customer code. If you wish to print only one customer, you must sort by customer code rather than by customer name. You will be prompted for the beginning and ending customer codes to include.

  4. Click/select the last criteria however you wish.
    • Print zero balance accounts (checked= include zero balance accounts, unchecked= exclude zero balance accounts)
    • Print delinquent accounts only
    • Print active accounts only
    • Print customer list only.

Below is a sample report:

A double-asterisk (**) to the right of the last column means that the account balance does not equal the sum of unpaid or partially paid invoices for Open Item account types. This does not happen often, but the most common cause is network or server interruption while an open item payment was being processed.

See Fix Out of Balance Direct Bill Accounts or contact Execu/Tech Support for instructions on fixing out of balance accounts. 

Article ID
Last Modified
 7/25/2024 3:40 PM