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Direct Bill / City Ledger - Control Files Setup

You will set up transaction codes, statement messages, and other settings in Control Files Setup


From the main Execu/Tech screen, go to Direct Bill > Control Files Setup.



A/R Control File Setup Menu Options

  1. Statement Messages
  2. Transaction Codes
  3. Invoice Distribution Codes: These are rarely used and are excluded from this guide. Execu/Tech will advise if you need to set these up.
  4. Data Dictionary
  5. Parameter Record
  6. Rebuild Name Cross Reference
  7. Online Help - Link to this help page.

Statement Messages

This is where you can add messages for printed or emailed customer statements. You can print up to 2 lines per statement.

Message Code: Enter a code 1-5. The codes are shown on the bottom half of the screen.

  1. Automatically prints for current accounts
  2. Automatically prints for 30 day old accounts
  3. Automatically prints for 60 day old accounts
  4. Automatically prints for 90 day old accounts
  5. Automatically prints for 120 day old accounts

Message Line 1:  Enter up to 60 characters.

Message Line 2:  Enter up to 60 characters.


  For longer or customized messages, see Editing HTML Letters, Documents and Forms.


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Transaction Codes

You will need to set up codes for both charge and payment transactions.


Please note:

  • If you are interfacing to Execu/Suite PMS, the charge code T is required for Transfer from Guest Ledger.
  • If you are interfacing to Execu/Touch POS stand-alone (not with Execu/Suite PMS), the charge code CHGE is required for Transfer from POS.

Below are sample charge and payment codes. Each code may be up to 4 alphanumeric characters.


Charge Code Setup:


You will set up charge codes for things such as transfers and fees. 


Transaction code: may be up to four characters. 

  • T (TRANSFER FROM GUEST LEDGER) is a required code if you are using Execu/Suite PMS.
  • CHGE (TRANSFER FROM POS) is a required code if you use stand-alone Execu/Touch POS with A/R charges.
  • If you want to set up late fees, see Late Fees.

1. Description: May be up to 30 characters.

2. Unit: No longer used. Leave this field blank.


Fields 3-5:

  • If you are not using Execu/Tech's Back Office accounting, you may leave these fields blank.
  • 3. G/L account: The General Ledger account to which this item should post. NOTE: For the transaction code T, do not enter a G/L account number if you already entered a G/L account number in the DB payment code setup within Execu/Suite PMS hotel control files setup. Otherwise, you will end up with duplicated transactions. The actual revenue GL transactions (such as room or F&B sales) will be created from within Execu/Suite PMS. You do not need those charge codes within Direct Bill. If you do not know the account number to enter, your property's accountant can advise you.
  • 4. G/L offset account: The offset General Ledger account to which this item should post. If you do not know the account number to enter, your property's accountant can advise you. If you are not using Execu/Tech's Back Office accounting.
  • 5. G/L Journal code: The two-character code that should post to the GL transactions.

6. Fixed amount: Used in Membership Billing. You can leave this field blank for normal Direct Bill processing.


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Payment Code Setup:


You will set up payment codes for the types of payments that you accept (credit cards, ACH, checks, etc.)



Transaction Code: May be up to four characters. NOTE: If you are using a credit card interface, the payment codes must match the codes set up in Execu/Suite PMS Payment Codes. 


1. Description: May be up to 30 characters.

2. Unit: No longer used. Leave this field blank.

Fields 3-5:

  • If you are not using Execu/Tech's Back Office accounting, you may leave these fields blank.
  • 3. G/L account: The General Ledger account to which this item should post. If you do not know the account number to enter, your property's accountant can advise you.
  • 4. G/L offset account: The offset General Ledger account to which this item should post. If you do not know the account number to enter, your property's accountant can advise you. If you are not using Execu/Tech's Back Office accounting.
  • 5. G/L Journal code: The two-character code that should post to the GL transactions.

6. Fixed amount: Should be blank for payment transactions.


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Print Transaction Codes


Go to Direct Bill > Print Control File




At the prompt, type 1 and press Enter.


When finished, type 0 (zero) and press Enter to exit.




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Invoice Distribution Codes

Invoice distribution codes are not used except in specific situations.  Execu/Tech will advise you and send instructions if you need these.

Data Dictionary

The data dictionary allows you to add up to 13 additional fields, including credit limit, to the Customer Setup screen. 



You may add up to 13 additional fields. The allowable ITEMS are as follows:

  • 1-2: Create fields that allow up to 20 alpha* characters.
  • 3-4: Create fields that allow up to 10 alpha* characters each field.
  • 5-9: Create fields that allow up to 2 alpha* characters. These are good fields for entering user-defined codes to be used in the report Generator.  For example, you can use these fields to designate the type of customer (such as TA for Travel Agency) or as Yes/No fields (Y or N).
  • 10-11: Create fields that allow up to 7 numeric characters/digits.
  • 1213: Create fields for entry of dollar amounts. Either of these two fields can be used to set credit limits. 

*Alpha fields can be used for numbers as well as long as they’re used as text and not calculations. 


The additional fields will display on the right side of the Customer Setup screen:


NAME: Enter a code (up to 7 characters), such as CONTACT or TYPE (use $CREDIT for credit limit.) This code will be used by the Report Generator, should you wish to use it.


DESCRIPTION: This is what will display on the Customer Setup screen. Can be up to 18 characters. 


SEQ (Sequence Number): This number (between 01 and 13) determines the order in which the fields will display on the Customer Setup page.


ITEM: This number determines the type of field it will be, based on the ITEMS list on the bottom of the Data Dictionary screen.

  • The numbers in the SEQ column determine the order in which they will display. The numbers in the ITEM column determine the types of fields they will be.  
  • For each entry, the numbers in the ITEM and SEQ columns can be different.
  • Each ITEM number (01-13) can only be used once.
  • Each SEQ number (01-13) can only be used once.

How to enter additional fields:

  1. When this window opens, your cursor will be at the Ok? prompt at the bottom.
  2. Type the number of the line for the item you wish to add, and press Enter. 
  3. The cursor will move to that line. Enter the NAME (code) for that item and press Enter.
  4. The cursor will move to the DESCRIPTION column. Type the description (up to 18 characters) and press Enter.
  5. The cursor will move to the ITEM column. Enter the item number (01-13) based on the ITEMS list shown on the screen. Press Enter.
  6. The cursor will move to the SEQ column. Enter the sequence number (01-13) to determine the order in which the selected item displays on the Customer Setup screen. Press Enter.
  7. The cursor will return to the Ok? prompt and will default to Y.
  8. If you are finished, you can press Enter again to exit.
  9. To change an existing line or add a new one, enter the line number and press Enter. The cursor will move to that line.
  10. Continue until you are finished.

How to delete a line:

  • To delete an item, type DELETE in the NAME column.

Note: Click here for membership billing settings: Membership Billing.


How to Print the Data Dictionary:


Go to Direct Bill > Print Control File




At the prompt, type 3 and press Enter.


When finished, type 0 (zero) and press Enter to exit.

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A/R Parameter Record

The Parameter Record sets specific parameters as show below.


1.  G/L Company: This is the two-digit company where General Ledger has been set up.  Most of the time this will be 01.  If you are not using Execu/Tech's General Ledger, enter 01.

2.  G/L Terminal (1-8): This is the one-digit terminal ID for the workstation where the General Ledger batches will be sent.  When updating Direct Bill transaction batches, GL transactions will be created. Those GL transactions will be in a batch on the terminal designated in this field. To locate the terminal ID number, see Execu/Suite Parameter Record Setup

3.  Member Billing?: This should be blank or N.  If you are setting up Membership Billing, click here: Membership Billing

4.  Late fee charge code: This is the transaction code for late fees. 

5.  Late fee days: This is the number of days past the transaction date an invoice should be considered late (past due).

6. Late fee percent: This is the percent of the past-due invoices to calculate for late fees.  Use this format: for six and a half percent (6.5%) enter 6.5.

7. Allow open item?: This should be set to Y.  This means that the system will track individual invoices and payments posted will apply to specific invoices.  Statements can show all invoices, unpaid invoices, or partially paid invoices.

8. Allow balance forward?: This should be set to N.  If set to Y, the system does not apply payments to specific invoices.  Payments simply apply to the balance.  No invoices show up as paid, partially paid, or unpaid.

Note: Settings for membership billing are covered in: Membership Billing. You will not process both Hotel billing and Membership billing in the same company, as the parameter record is specific per company. 


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Rebuild Name Cross Reference


If you notice that there are customer names that are out of alphabetical order displayed at the top of reports or when looking up a customer, you will need to run a rebuild.


The names may simply be out of order. However, out of order names could indicate there are duplicate name records.


Duplicate name records

  • The same account will show up twice on a name look-up or on reports. You may see the name out of order at the top and again in alphabetical order.
  • This can cause the totals on reports to be incorrect because the duplicate account balances are included twice. 



When looking up a customer by name, DEMO COMPANY appears at the top of the list before the A's:



It also appears at the top on reports sorted by name:




In the example above, the name is simply out of alphabetical order. However, if this happens, you should check to see if the name appears twice, and if so, you will need to run a rebuild.





How to run the rebuild from the DB Control Files Setup menu:

  1. When you select Rebuild Name Cross Reference, the following will pop up.

    Make sure all other Direct Bill users are logged out. If someone is working in DB while the rebuild is running, it could cause file corruption.

  2. Select Yes, and the rebuild will start.

  3. When the rebuild is complete, you will see this:


If Rebuild Name Cross Reference is not on your Direct Bill Control Files Setup menu, it can be run a different way.


How to run the rebuild from Run Program by Name: 

  1. Go to File > Special > Run Program by Name.

  2. Enter the program name, ARXREF. Click OK.

  3. Press <enter> and a printer selection window will open. Just press <enter> again (nothing will print.) The window will close and the rebuild is complete.




After doing the rebuild, DEMO COMPANY is now in the correct alphabetical order.



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Next Topic:

Customer Setup


See Also:

Direct Bill Setup

Direct Bill Procedures

DB Reports and Statements

Article ID
Last Modified
 7/25/2024 4:06 PM