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Execu/Tech Systems, Inc.
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Data Flow
Execu/Tech Services
Execu/Suite Hotel PMS
Setup - Execu/Suite PMS
Getting Started
Data Preparation
Your Company Setup
Zip Code Database
License Access Code
HTML Templates
Manager Menu / Setup
Hotel Control Files Setup
Parameter Record
Season Record
Room Types
Tax Codes
Charge Codes
Payment Codes
Guest Packages Setup
Market Segment Codes
Source of Business Codes
Corporate File
Guest Profile Tools
Housekeeping Codes
Yield Management
Meeting Room Parameters
User Defined Comments
Graphical Room View
Auto-Trace Setup
Wholesalers and Travel Agencies
Setup Bullet Points & Notes
Rooms, Room Types, Rates
Charge, Payment, Tax Codes
Guest Packages
User IDs, Passwords, & Security Levels
Parameters & Policies
Guest Profile Tabs and Fields
Market and Source Codes
System Maintenance
User I.D. / Security Setup
PMS Employee Setup
PMS Menu Permissions
Security Levels
Other Settings
Configuration Settings
Editing HTML Letters, Documents and Forms
Email Settings
Thank-you emails
Enable PDF Saving
Hotel Logo
Import Rate Spreadsheets
Master Folios
MENUINI.FIL Configuration
Terminal ID Number Codes-Batch Terminals
Hotel Print Settings
ETHTMLPrint (Print Folios, Reg Card, etc.)
Procedures Execu/Suite PMS
Manager Procedures
Adjusting Statistics-AM Report
Other Manager Tasks
Manager Reports
Reservations Operations
New Reservations
Guest Profile Entry & Reports
Advance Deposits
Changing Reservations
Cancellations and No-Shows
Reservation Reports & Printouts
Sample Reports
Trace Reports
Front Desk
Front Desk Operations
Check In
Check In Master Folio
Assign Master Folio to Guest or Group
Guest Folio
Guest Profile
Credit Card Procedures
Guest Packages
Changes - Room, etc.
Posting Charges & Payments
Check Out
Guest History
Front Desk Reports & Printouts
Night Audit
Night Audit FAQ
Night Audit Procedures
Night Audit Reports
Night Audit Bullet Points
Night Audit Report Viewer
Travel Agency Processing
Travel Agency Setup
Travel Agency Reports
Travel Agency Checks
Clearing Adv. Deposits Remaining
Folio Detail Export
Guest Name Changes-Profile
Guest Opt-out
Report Generator
How-To Videos and Tutorials
Change Terminal Number
Check In a Guest
Check Out a Guest
Export Guest Contact Info
Guest Profile Creation
Housekeeping Screen - Changing Status
Interface - Create a Scheduled Task
Posting Charge or Payment to Folio
Transfer Charge or Payment to a Folio
Voiding Charge or Payment in Folio
How-To Documents
Post CC After Check-out
Credit Card Reminders
Change Company Code
Execu/Suite CRS
Initial Setup
Menu and Navigation
Rooms Setup
Inventory & Availability
Viewing Inventory & Availability
Default Inventory
House Inventory
Periods of Closure
Events and Groups
Room Type Variations/Adjustments
Stop Sale Limits
Availability by Rate Category
Availability by Channel
Booking Rules & Closure Date Rules
Calendar quick changes
Minimum Stay Policies
Automated Revenue Rules
Occupancy Rules
Channel / IDS Rules
Products/Rates Setup
Payments - Cancellations
Channel Manager
Corporate Client Setup
Services Setup
Force CRS to PMS Sync
Marina and RV Settings
OTA / HTNG Installation and Configuration
OTA / HTNG 2 Way Push
OTA / HTNG 1 & 2 Way Pull
OTA / HTNG Functions and Limitations
OTA / HTNG PMS Settings
OTA / HTNG ROH (Run Of House)
OTA / HTNG Troubleshooting
Phone, Movie, POS, etc.
Comtrol® Interfaces
Comtrol® Network Requirements
Comtrol® Install
Comtrol® Setup
Comtrol® Testing
Comtrol® Resync
Comtrol® Troubleshooting
Legacy Interfaces
Legacy Interface Installation
Communication Settings
Phone Interface Resync
Troubleshooting Serial Connections
Micros POS Interface
Execu/Touch Point Of Sale
POS to Hotel Data Flow
Execu/Touch POS Administrator
Store Record
Departments/ Revenue Centers
Payment Records
Discount Records
Menu Items
Item Modifiers
Item Categories
Combinations (Value Meals)
Employee Records
Employee Work Codes
Void Codes
Table Setup
Terminal Records
Printer Setup
Item Button (Keyboard) Setup
Supervisor Menu
How To - POS Admin
Create POS Item
Execu/Touch POS Procedures
F&B Open a Check
Close a Check with CC
Separate Checks
Split Checks
Split Tendering
Retail Procedures
Paid-Out Tips and Other
Create TAB
Transfer Checks
Video-Credit Cards in POS
Execu/Touch POS Miscellaneous
POS Cash Management
Dining Reservations
Tableside Wireless Tablets
Edit/ Purge History Records
Add Comment to POS Guest Receipt
Suppress Remote Printing
Use Employee Login Cards
Encode Employee Login Cards
POS Activities Deposits - Setup
POS Activities Deposits - Procedures
Export POS Check Detail (GAPOCKH.TXT)
FUEL sales in POS
POS Copy / Delete Records (GAPOCOPY)
POS Copy all records to another store
POS Copy records from GAPOCNTL.OLD
POS Delete Records
POS Change item fixed tax amount
POS Reset Table Types
POS Resynch employee/password records
POS Copy ONE record to another store
POS Convert gapo999.fin's
POS Printers and Cash Drawers
POS Printer Setup
POS Printer Troubleshooting
Cash Drawer Setup
Configure Bar Code Printer and Labels
Print Bar Codes
Credit Card Processing
Shift4 Credit Card Processing
Shift4 Data Flow
Shift4 Installation
Shift4 UTG Install
Shift4 UTG IP Address and Port
Shift4 EMV Setup
Shift4 AuthToken, AccessToken, AccessBlock
Shift4 PMS/POS Setup (MENUS4CO)
Shift4 PMS/POS Setup (Payment Codes)
Shift4 PMS/POS Setup (Other Settings)
Shift4 i4Go V2
Using Shift4 i4Go
Shift4 i4Go V2 Requirements
Shift4 i4Go V2 Errors
Shift4 i4Go V2 PMS / POS Settings
Shift4 i4Go V2 Internet Explorer Trusted Zone
Shift4 Card Readers (Non-EMV)
Magtek Programming
Shift4 Receipt Printer Setup
Shift4 Troubleshooting
Shift4 Error Codes
Test Shift4 UTG Connection with Telnet
Worldpay Credit Card Processing
Worldpay Critical Setup Info
Worldpay EMV PIN Pad Setup
Worldpay EMV Cloud Config
Worldpay EMV Failure Messages
Worldpay EMV PIN Pad Troubleshooting
Worldpay EMV Data Flow
Worldpay Non-EMV Data Flow
Worldpay Receipt Printer Setup
Credit Card Service Fees / Surcharges
Credit Card Procedures
EMV Credit Card Processing
Switching Gateways/Providers
Inventory Control
Inventory Overview
Inventory Setup
Store, Locations, Classes-Categories
Inventory Items
Recipe File
Inventory Processing
Physical Inventory Entry
Physical Inventory Handheld Scanner
Purchase Orders
Miscellaneous Postings
Enter Waste Adjustments
Batch Updating
Display Item Detail
Inventory Integration
Integration to POS
Integration to A/P
Integration to GL
Inventory Reports
Time & Attendance
Direct Bill / City Ledger
Direct Bill Introduction
Direct Bill Setup
Control Files Setup
Customer Setup
Direct Bill - Execu/Suite PMS Interface
Direct Bill - Execu/Touch POS Interface
Direct Bill - General Ledger Interface
Membership Billing
Direct Bill Procedures
Hotel DB Transfers
Transaction Batches
Open Item Payments
Manual Postings
Fix Out of Balance Direct Bill Accounts
Late Fees
Member Billing
DB Reports and Statements
Transaction Batch Update Report
Customer Aged Trial Balance
Customer Detail Report
Open Item Statements
Balance Forward Statements
A/R Report Generator
Sample Reports
Events and Catering
Getting Started
Event Setup
Sample Reports
Gift Cards (Execu/Gift)
Execu/Gift Setup and Configuration
Selling/Issuing Gift Cards
Redeeming Gift Cards
Manual Entry / Edit / Delete
Donated Gift Cards
Reward cards
Encode Gift Cards
Back Office
General Ledger
GL Setup
GL Processing
GL Integration
GL Reports
Accounts Payable
A/P Setup
A/P Processing
A/P Reports
Condo Overview
Condo Setup
Condo Procedures
Condo Reports
Payroll Setup
PR - GL Interface Setup
Federal Tax Tables
Employee Setup
PR-TimeClock Interface Setup
Payroll Procedures
Payroll Reports
3rd Party Accounting Interfaces
GL Export
Errors / Fixes
cbl.out Program Missing
Class Not Registered
Cobol Errors
Common System Issues
Company Selection Keeps Appearing
Detail File Update Error
Error: 80040154
File Error: 3000
Find Software Application Folder
Folio Stops Printing (HTMLPRNT.EXE)
Forms Print to Wrong Printer
Forms Print Too Large
LoadEntity invoke failed
Memory Access Violation
Microsoft .NET Framework
Missing or Broken Shortcut / Icon
Network Benchmark
Rebuild Corrupted File
Rebuild Cross Reference
Register Programs and Controls
Restarting Servers and Terminals
Run Program By Name
Run-time error '429'
Run-time error '-2147319779'
Program Warnings
Cannot Run More Than Once
Could Not Read Card
Current time not set up
In Reorg - Not Posted
Invalid Company Code
Invalid Room Type
Keyboard Record Not Set Up
Record Busy Message
Software License Warning
Terminal Record Not Set Up
Shift4 Errors
Slow / Stuck Software
Start Program Missing
Support File Uploader
Unable to Select Printers
User Account Control (UAC)
What's My Terminal Number?
Remote Connection (RemoteET)
Uninstall Old Remote Connection App
Sample Reports
Year-End Procedures
Fiscal Year
Master Folios Year-End
Seasons and Rates
Year-End Advance Deposits
Server and System Health
PCI Compliance
City Ledger - Direct Bill
General Ledger
Accounts Payable
Backup and Storage
New Modules
Cloud Hosting
Cloud Hosting Access
Cloud Launcher Install
Cloud Launcher Setup
Cloud Launcher Update
Cloud Access for Mac
Cloud Hosting Preparation
Hosting Network/Hardware Requirements
Important Issues and Settings
Document Access
WebRes - Installation
WebRes - Credit Card Processing
WebRes - Shift4
WebRes - Worldpay
WebRes - Customize / Configure
WebRes - Cancellation Policy
WebRes - Confirmation Page and Email
WebRes - Errors / Troubleshooting
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Phone, Movie, POS, etc.
Comtrol® Interfaces
Comtrol® Setup
Execu/Tech's Comtrol Interface Manager (comtrol.exe) Setup
Maid Status Codes
Configuration of Maid Status Codes is a common question we get.
Unfortunately, we can't help you with them.
These codes are predefined by the manufacturer of the device you're using, whether it be a PBX, or an application like DuVoice. We don't have any control over the codes being sent or how they're configured in your device. We receive a message telling us to set a room to 'Clean', 'Dirty', or 'Needs Inspection'.
Based on the code keyed into the phone or an application, it's the devices responsibility to provide us with the correct message and we can't change how we respond to a specific message. For example: We can't treat a 'Clean' message as a 'Dirty' message to accommodate your desire to use different codes. If you need to redefine the code you're entering, contact your device vendor for assistance.
Available Codes in Comtrol's interface and how we treat them. Comtrol's code isn't necessarily the code used in your phone system.
These codes are predefined and we can't make changed in our interface to treat them other than what their intended purpose is.
Phone System
Determined by
Phone System
Room Cleaned
Determined by
Phone System
Cleaning Req'd
Determined by
Phone System
Cleaning In-Progress
Determined by
Phone System
Inspection Req'd
Needs Inspection
Determined by
Phone System
Maintenance Req'd
Needs Inspection
Determined by
Phone System
Out of Order
Ignored. Must be set in the PMS
Determined by
Phone System
Ignored. No such status in PMS
Determined by
Phone System
Passed Inspection
Determined by
Phone System
Failed Inspection
Determined by
Phone System
Cleaning Skipped
Ignored. No Change to Existing Code
Determined by
Phone System
Room Cleaned / Occupied
Determined by
Phone System
Room Cleaned / Vacant
Determined by
Phone System
Cleaning Req’d / Occupied
Determined by
Phone System
Cleaning Req’d / Vacant
Comtrol® Lodging Link PTS
Use the help document that installed with LLPTS to help you configure the ports.
For the PMS to begin communicating with the Comtrol interface, a line needs to be added to the settings file "MENUINI.FIL"
Open "MENUINI.FIL with Notepad.
At the bottom, add the line "HOTEL-COMTROL=YES".
To enable the Wakeup Call function in Front Desk, add the line "HOTEL-WAKE-UP-CALLS=YES".
To enable the key interface via Comtrol, add the line "KEY-INTERFACE=COMTROL".
Safe the file and restart the PMS software at all terminals.
The rest of this page deals with the settings in the Execu/Tech portion of the interface, the Comtrol Interface Manager (
Changing Settings in the Comtrol Interface Manager (comtrol.exe)
Before changing settings, you must first make sure that the scheduled task that runs the Comtrol Interface Manager is stopped. Because of a complicated shutdown sequence required to ensure that no posting transactions are lost, sometimes ending the task won't really end the process, even though it reports that it has. After 30 seconds, check the Task Manager for "
" and end it if it's still running.
After ensuring that "
" is no longer running as a scheduled task, you can browse to the install folder and run it by double clicking it.
The default installation folder for the Comtrol Interface Manager (comtrol.exe) is
on either the server or a computer designated by the customer to run this application. Check the scheduled task for the actual install location if you can't find it.
Main Window
This is the main window of the Comtrol Interface Manager (comtrol.exe). The main window is filled with a real time log, showing activity between Execu/Suite PMS and Comtrol's LLPTS.
to display and edit the settings tabs.
There are two items under this menu item:
Save Settings
- This saves the settings.
Open Application Folder
- This opens the application install folder.
This displays the Settings tabs.
View Log
This displays the current log file.
This displays an "About" box.
Check Connection
This sends an "Are You There?" message to LLPTS to verify proper communication.
This is the Settings menu bar.
To save the settings, click the "Save Settings" button.
To close the settings tabs, click the "Close Settings" button.
If you want to save any changes you've made, be sure to click "Save Settings" first.
To edit the settings, you must first click the "Allow Edit" button.
This will pause the interface until you are finished and either close the settings or click "Allow Edit" again.
This is where you configure the communication settings.
IP Address
This is the IP address of the computer running the Comtrol LLPTS service.
TCP Port
This is the PORT that the LLPTS service is using for the PMS. Default is 32768.
HOTEL Company
This is the PMS Hotel Company Number. This is the default company number that will be used with communicating between the PMS and the interfaced devices.
HOTEL Folder
This is the folder where the PMS software has been installed.
Delay (Seconds)
This is the minimum delay, in seconds, between message attempts with the LLPTS service. There is no universal optimum speed, but 1 second is a good starting point. Slower computers should raise this until there are no communication errors in the log.
Log File Size (Lines)
This is the number of lines that will be in the log file. The purpose of the log is to troubleshoot recent communication issues so it doesn't need to be very long. 10,000 is the maximum.
ReSync Company
Some databases contain rooms from multiple unused companies. This happens when databases for several hotels were once combined. If the databases have been split, you don't want to cause unnecessary delays by resyncing hundreds of rooms that don't exist. Specify the company number of the PMS company that still uses this database.
This is where you configure the interfaces that are enabled. Different interfaces require different messages to be sent.
This is where you configure the PBX interface settings.
Use Restriction
Check this box to use call restrictions, also known as level of service or class of service.
Execu/Tech Systems DOES NOT determine what codes are sent for a specific restriction. We communicate with the Comtrol Lodging Link service and it sends the apropriate code depending on the brand and model of the PBX. These are typically pre-defined in the phone system and if you've selected the correct interface brand and model, they will work in the default settings. If you don't know what these codes are for your PBX, we can perform tests to send each restriction level and you or your phone vendor can decide how to utilize them.
Guests with no credit limit
These are guests with no credit limit specified in the PMS.
Cash Guests with credit limit
These are CASH guests with a credit limit specified in the PMS.
Credit Guests with credit limit
These are CREDIT CARD guests with a credit limit specified in the PMS.
Ignore DMM
If you have 2 devices that both send maid status messages, enter the DMM of the device to ignore. An example of this would be having a Mitel PBX and DuVoice voice mail. Because DuVoice also handles maid status, sometimes employees might enter these settings in both systems. However, you must pick one and ignore the other. Enter the DMM of the device that will be ignored.
These are the available restrictions and the code received by the PBX is typically pre-defined and dependent on the brand and model.
0 All Allowed
1 All Restricted
2 Toll Restricted (ECC 1)
3 Local Only (ECC 2)
4 Internal Only
The first digit represents the code that we send to Comtrol's LLPTS and may not represent the code that LLPTS sends to the PBX. However, the description of the restriction should line up with a setting in the PBX because these are common descriptions. We can't change the code that LLPTS sends to the PBX for a particular restriction because it's based on the vendor's specifications. If you're not getting the desired results, try different restrictions - a setting for one vendor might mean something else to another vendor.
Codes - Phone
Phone posting codes are predefined in the PMS, so they can't be configured at this time.
Codes - Movies
Configure the movie charge and tax codes here.
Codes - Internet
Configure the internet usage charge and tax codes here.
Codes - Games
Configure the games charge and tax codes here.
Remap - Master
This is where you remap the relation between PMS room numbers and phone extensions.
If you have a key interface, you must configure the remapping under the keys tab.
If you have a lot of remapping to do, you can create a spreadsheet and save it as a Tab Delimited file and import it.
The FIRST column is the PMS room number. The SECOND column is the phone extension.
This tab allows you to see pending posts from phone, POS, movie, etc.
You can also pause and manually initiate the posting of pending transactions when testing.
However, this should only be done when testing posting to the PMS.
911 Alert
This function is provided for information purposes only. You must not rely on this function in any emergency situation. There is absolutely no guarantee that this will function properly because there are several pieces to the interface, all of which must work perfectly for proper function. A problem with cabling, the phone system, the server, the interface application, email settings, etc. can cause this function to fail.
If all pieces of this function are configured, an email will be sent containing the extension that called 911 and the time the call was placed. This email will be sent as soon as the Comtrol Interface Manager receives the call data containing the 911 call.
If the phone system doesn't send these 911 calls, this function will not work.
911 column start
If we're receiving raw call data (your phone system is unable to send in any common valid format) then this is the column where the 911 number will appear. You will have to make a call and look at the call record in the log file "COMTROLLOG.FIL".
SMTP Server
This is the URL to your SMTP server. Get this information from your email provider.
This is your SMTP Username. Get this information from your email provider.
This is your SMTP Password. Get this information from your email provider.
This is the SMTP Port. The default port is 25. Get this information from your email provider.
Require Authentication
Check this box if your SMTP server requires authentication. Get this information from your email provider.
Check this box if your SMTP server uses SSL. Get this information from your email provider.
From / To Address
This is the email address that will appear in the "FROM" field when an email is sent. This is also the primary address to which the alert will be emailed.
CC Addresses
This is an optional CC address that will receive a copy of the email.
BCC Addresses
This is an optional BCC address that will receive a copy of the email. This is often desired when you want to keep a log of all emails being sent from Execu/Suite PMS. Us this if you want to hide the copied address from the guest.
Test Print / Email
This button allows you to test the email and print functions.
Keys - General
If your key system requires a password for the PMS to be able to make keys, enter that password on this screen.
Keys - Terminal to Station Map
This is where you map the PMS terminals to the key system station number. The PMS terminal number can be found in the bottom left corner of the PMS software window.
It's a good idea to set a Default terminal setting in case you add a new terminal and forget to modify this setting.
Keys - Room Remap
This room number remapping table only applies to key systems.
This is provided because it's often not feasible to change the room numbers in the key system at the same time it's changed in the PMS, phone or other 3rd party devices. This is because someone must physically reprogram every door lock, one at a time.
If your key system uses the same room numbers that are in the PMS, do not fill out this table.
If only a few rooms need remapping, just add those and the rest will use the PMS room number.
If your key system uses the same room numbers used in the master remapping table, found in the "Remap" tab on the first row of tabs, you can import from this table.
To do this, select Import then Import from Master Table.
If you have a lot of remapping to do, you can create a spreadsheet and save it as a Tab Delimited file and import it.
The FIRST column is the PMS room number. The SECOND column is the key room number.
This tab provides a few options to test.
Maid Status
911 call alert function
Call Posting
Key interface
Check In
Check Out
Call Restriction (Level or Class of Service)
Wake Up Call
Article ID
Last Modified
10/23/2020 11:08 AM
Copyright © Execu/Tech Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.