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Home > Execu/Suite Hotel PMS > Procedures Execu/Suite PMS > Front Desk > Front Desk Operations > Check In

Check In

Checking in a guest with a reservation (not with a group)

Checking in a guest without a reservation (a walk-in)
Credit card preauthorizations and payments

Messages, warnings, and errors


To check in a Share-with reservation, see Share-withs.  

To check in a Group, see Groups.


Checking in a guest with a reservation (not with a group)


Click on the Check In icon at the top of the main Hotel screen or go to Front Desk > Front Desk Operations > Check In.


This will take you to the Guest Check-In selection screen with the prompt, "Does this guest have a reservation?". Click "Yes – Look up reservation by name."


If you check in a guest between midnight and 8:00 am, you will see the following message:

Example of when to answer 'Yes' -

  • The guest was late and didn't arrive until 3:00 AM but you will charge them for the previous night.

Example of when to answer 'No' -
  • The guest is checking in early at 7:30 AM and will not be charged for the previous night.
NOTE:  If you answered 'Yes' and the Night Audit "Post room and tax" has already been run, you will need to manually Post Room and Tax. When asked if you would like to post again at Night Audit, be sure to answer 'Yes.' If you don't, the Night Audit will assume that the posting applies to the current business day and it will not post for that night, leaving you short one day of charges.



Next, the Guest Selection screen will appear.  Type all or part of the guest's name and click Look up.  Select the guest's name (it will highlight yellow when you click it) and then click OK




The Guest Profile screen will appear.  (Depending on your settings, your system may skip the Guest Selection screen show above and go straight to the Guest Profile entry screen shown below.)   Note: Some systems do not have the Guest Profile feature.  This feature can be enabled or disabled, but it is a global setting, not per guest.

If the profile is correct, click Save to proceed with the check-in.  If Save is highlighted, you can press <enter> to proceed.

Depending on your setting, a separate Guest Name popup may display as shown below. This popup can be disabled so that you can enter the guest's name, etc., on one line.  (This is a global setting, not per guest.)

Note:  If you change the guest's name, a warning will display. You should NEVER change the guest's name except to correct it or add more information. If you selected the wrong guest, do not change the name. Click the Find/New button to select or create a different profile.  See also Guest Name Changes-Profile.


 After you save the Guest Profile, you will return to the Guest Folio screen to complete the check-in process.

Days/ dep. date: The folio will default to the number of nights as determined by the reservation.  You may change this if availability permits.

Room no./type: The folio will default to the room number (if entered in the reservation) or the room type entered in the reservation. 

  • You may (a) enter a room number, (b) click the magnifying glass lookup icon, or (c) type ? <enter> to look up available rooms.
  • If you click the Find button, the system will find the next available room based on occupancy and search priority settings as determined in the Rooms setup.

There are three ways to view and select rooms: Room Rack, Availability Screen, and Graphical Room View.

The Room Rack, shown below, is the quickest.  Each room is color-coded and shows the number of nights available.  Just click the room you want or type the number and press <enter>.

Some people like the Availability Screen, shown below. Use your computer keyboard's down-arrow or click on the room and press <enter>.

The Graphical Room View shows a layout of your property with availability and status color coding.  Each floor or section can be set up and viewed separately, with a dropdown "section" selection. Click the room to assign to the guest.

Room Rate: Several things factor into the room rate, including season records, room setup, number of adults, and rate code.


If the rates change during the guest's stay, based on season or weekend settings, the changes are reflected in the "view/edit" grid as shown below.  This is where you should make rate changes.



  It is important that you have a policy for credit card preauthorization or payments at check-in.  These policies are set in the Parameter Record and should be determined prior to going live with Execu/Suite. See Parameter Record Setup.


Type payment: required field. If blank, press <enter> to look up valid payment types. Otherwise, click the magnifying glass lookup icon. Select the correct payment type.

  • If you are preauthorizing a credit card, click the authorize card button.  Answer the prompts as they display.  See also Check-in CC Preauth Video for a tutorial.

    NOTE:  If you preauthorized a credit card, do not fill in the Credit limit field, as it will automatically populate with the amount preauthorized.

  • If your policy is to post payment at check-in, DO NOT click authorize card.  You should NOT both authorize a credit card and post a credit card "sale" transaction at check-in.

  • If you select payment code DB, the system will prompt you for a valid City Ledger (Direct Bill) account.

  • If the guest needs two folios, answer "Y" to Split folio.  You will be able to authorize credit card or second credit card, or set a separate credit limit.  This is common at hotels with wholesaler guests, where the wholesaler pays for the room and tax charges with a "virtual" credit card and the guest is responsible for incidentals.  The guest can be given the secondary folio with incidentals, and the primary folio will contain the room and tax charges which you might not wish the guest to see.

Options: At the bottom of the check-in screen is an Options button.


  • If you are not using Guest Profile but would like to enter an email address for the guest, select the Options button to enter it. Save the check-in prior to emailing a folio or other form.

  • You can click the Options button to enter a Travel Agency code if it was not entered when the reservation was made.

Autopost Charges

  • When you save the check-in, the Autopost window will open if your property has auto-post charges.
  • Select (check) the item for it to post to the guest's folio at night audit, or deselect (uncheck) the item for it not to post.3
  • If your Autopost popup includes a dropdown for quantity, select the appropriate quantity.
  • Note that although you can create up to 20 Autopost codes, you may only select 10 per guest.


The folio number will display.

Registration Form: Depending on your Parameter Record settings, either:

  • You will be asked if you wish to print a registration form
  • The registration form will print automatically
  • The registration form will not print, and you will not be asked to print it. (You may print it later by opening the folio and clicking Reg card.

Depending on your Parameter Record settings, the Post payment now? prompt will display. 



If you answer Yes, the Post Charges/Payments screen will open.

Remember, DO NOT post a payment at check-in if you preauthorized a credit card. The only exception is when there are two folios ("Y" to "split folio?"). Only then may you preauthorize one folio's credit card and post a payment to the other folio's credit card.

The default is for the prompt to display only for CA guests.  The payment window will open, with the payment code and room & tax charges populated, as shown below.  A Parameter Record setting determines whether the total room and tax charges or just one night's room and tax charges will default.

With a cash payment, "Amount tendered" will popup allowing you to enter the actual amount handed to you by the guest.  DO NOT put this amount in the "Amount" field which is the amount owed to you, not handed to you.  A popup will let you know how much change to return to the guest, eliminating math errors.


This will complete the check-in process.

Alternatives:  You also may check in a guest from the Tape Chart or from the Graphical Room View or from People/Profile.

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Checking in a guest without a reservation (a Walk-In Guest):

Click on the Check In icon at the top of the main Hotel screen. 

This will take you to the Guest Check-In selection screen. Click on ‘No – Guest is a walk-in.’

The Profile Entry and Lookup screen will open.  Type all or part of the guest name to see if an existing profile exists.  If so, select it.  If not, type the entire name and click "Create Guest Profile". 



Enter the information and save the profile. 


The check-in window will open.  Enter the information as explained in the previous section.


If you are not using Guest Profile but would like to enter an email address for the guest, select the Options button at the bottom of your check-in screen.  Then enter the email address in the appropriate field.  Save the check-in prior to emailing a folio or other form.

You can click the Options button if you want to enter a Travel Agency code and was not entered when the reservation was made.
Alternatives:  You also may check in a guest from the Tape Chart or from the Graphical Room View or from People/Profile.

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Credit card preauthorizations and payments:

  It is important that you have a policy for credit card preauthorizations or payments at check-in.  These policies are set in the Parameter Record and should be determined prior to going live with Execu/Suite. See Parameter Record Setup.


You may preauthorize a credit card at check-in or you may post a payment (credit card "sale") at check-in.  DO NOT DO BOTH.

A preauthorization sets aside funds, reducing the guest's available funds to use elsewhere.  These funds are set aside for you.  At check-out, you will post a payment against these funds, releasing any additional funds authorized.  See tutorial video on preauthorizing at check-in.

You may post a credit card sale at check-in. If the parameter record is set to "Y" to "post payment now" the system can take you straight to the Post screen, allowing you to post the payment.  This will immediately post a "sale" transaction to the guest's card.

See also Credit Card Procedures.


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Messages, warnings, and errors:

This message displays when you check in a guest between midnight and 8am.  If you answer "Yes" the check-in date will show the previous date.  If "Post room and tax" was already run at night audit for yesterday, remember to post them manually.

This message displays if you check in a guest with a reservation having an arrival date after the current date.

This message displays if you check in a guest with a reservation having an arrival date prior to current date.  This will not display if you do not have "days to hold no-show reservations" set in the Parameter Record.

This message displays when you change the name field in a profile.  Note that ALL reservations and folios associated with this profile will reflect the NEW name and the OLD name will not exist.


Certain changes display a message that the change has been logged.  These changes include room reassignments, rate changes, and credit limit changes.

This may display at the completion of a guest or master folio check-in.

This may display at the completion of a guest or master folio check-in.

This may display at the completion of a guest or master folio check-in.  Your Parameter Record setting determines this.

This displays after a cash payment has been posted and a figure entered into the Amount Tendered popup.

This displays when you try to check a guest into an already occupied room.

This displays if you try to check a guest into a room with a reservation for any or all of the days required by the guest you are trying to check in.

This displays when you try to check a guest into an out or order room.

This displays when you try to check a guest into a dirty room.  If you do not want this message to display, change the "enhanced housekeeping" setting in the Parameter Record per instructions.

This displays if you check in a reservation and assign a room not of the same type that was reserved.  The system will not change the rate automatically since a room reassignment does not mean an automatic rate change, such as when a room was unavailable and the guest was upgraded at no charge.


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Click HERE for information about Share-withs (two or more guests sharing a room, each guest having separate reservations and folios).

Click HERE for Group check-in procedures.


See also "Errors and Fixes ".


 This video will be helpful: Check In a Guest

Article ID
Last Modified
 9/5/2024 2:15 PM