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POS Activities Deposits - Procedures

Advance Deposits can be created in POS to be used for Activities. This page covers how to create an Advance Deposit in POS and how to apply it to a check in POS.

For setup instructions see Activities Deposits POS Setup.


  1. Create a new check in POS and choose the ACTIVITY DEPOSIT item from the menu.

  2. Enter the amount of the deposit at the Unit Price prompt.

  3. Click the Total button to apply the payment for the deposit.

  4. Process the payment, per normal procedure.

  5. Once the check is paid, you will see the following prompts. Complete them as appropriate:

    Guest Name: Type the name of the guest the deposit is for, in LAST NAME, FIRST NAME format.

    Reservation Date: Type the date of the activity reservation OR use the Calendar look up button to find the date.

    Number of People: Type the number of people the reservation is for.

  6. The information about the Activity Deposit will display. Here is an example of what this will look like:

  7. Verify that the information is correct and click Yes to continue.

  8. This completes the Activity Deposit creation process.


An Advance Deposit in POS can be used like any other form of payment (cash, check, credit card). To use the deposit, complete the following steps:

  1. At the TOTAL screen, choose the ACTIVITY DEPOSIT payment type.

  2. At the prompt, enter the Account Number for the Activity Deposit.

    Note: If you do not know the Account Number, you can perform a look-up by typing "L" at the prompt.

    Type LAST NAME, FIRST NAME in the look up screen.

    Choose the Name/Account from the list.

  3. Verify the information about the deposit and click OK.

  4. Enter the Tip Amount, if applicable.

  5. Enter the Amount to Pay from the deposit.

  6. To use the full deposit amount, click OK.

Article ID
Last Modified
 10/18/2024 12:33 PM